Yeah, because its sooooo easy to just sit down and speak english flawlessly for 11 min, when its not your main language and you know that every misstake you make will be flamed for the next 100 years.
- As you are not a native speaker, try to repeat it a couple of times, recording demo and audio each time. This way you don't waste too much space on the disk, and still can choose when you are satisfied. Syncing afterwards is not too difficult.
This will increase the quality a lot, as you will find your way to say things fluently, with less words and a nicer pace.
- Try to organize the information you want to present. There is no correct structure, anything you like is ok, but make sure you know it well and make it clear to the viewer (telling it, or with titles). You can spend 5 minutes on paper and come up with something like: weapons control > spawn control > items.
Haters hating. Actually i found this video quite helpful since i'm aero newb and always getting caught by something i didn't expect there. Make toxicity next, i heard you're pretty good there!
The video and tips are quite good, but the only bad thing is your english. You should work on it and while you speak, add more words to your speech so ppl would understand you better and it would sound more nicely. ( example: instead of "you should go here and do like this" it would sound better if you say "go down to the teleporter, teleport to the rail and before you teleport, switch to LG so that you could shaft your op whos is going to rail". And like Momento_Mori said, write everything you want to say on the paper.
And Zhu, could you do like dodging techiques in certain situations video? It would be very nice as well
I think once you understand what player in control do, you can start figuring out how to play out of control. My out of control play improved a lot when I learned about spawn raping.
Okay thanks for the advice ! i'll try to be more focused on this. Also in a tutorial video, a quick view of the first spawn and wich way to take could be great.
Quite often trouble start here :)
whats is funy in some ways is how the ESR community react to zhu, comparing to te reaction they have regarding he4rtl3ss.
The only reason i can find to explain difference in reaction is that he4rtl3ss has always and will ever only play a noob game mode named CA, while the other guys is playing in the veteran modes which clearly upset more.
What is funnier in some ways is that even tho the CA guy was blatantly cheating, he never got banned. While the other one was banned AND is now allowed to play again..
Aeroguide for lesser guide makers:
Learning spawn fragging is pretty easy without any guide because being spawnfragged is what anyone learning aero is doing most of the time.
You went to the gl side of the map like two times time in the whole video. Once when you were showing how to deny every item and second time when you were showing how to drop down from tp onto someone.
On the other hand playing out of control is harder and it's essantial but most of good players making video guides tend to ignore it (probaby because they can just rush their opponents and simply out aim them).
I watched this video when I had literally few games of aerowalk played in my life and I didn't learn anything new from it. (other than this: "when someone is containing you almost perfectly you have to be a fucking genius to get out" how insightful).
I have yet to see a guide where the guide maker assumes that his opponent has better aim and is going to deal more damage than him in face to face situations. (Some commentaries I've seen by rapha/avek/twister/memento tried to explain how to play out of control too though).
I know it's a little bit harsh but idc I'm a new player and I learn duel from others by playing them, asking questions and watching vods. Anyone can do this and I think that 'guides' like this made in 10 minutes without any effort and with some shady purpose aren't wortth a penny.
I didn't say that it's useless. It's just super-obvious for anyone who played aero more than 10-20 times and useless for anyone who learns how to play it (because his main concern is how to get control)
Again all I said was that you only explained really easy things about in control play, not things that ppl who played the map 2000 times don't know. Not even things that ppl who played the map 20 times don't know imo. Let me analyse it:
1. What is the weapon you want to have? Rail.
2. You want to have ra/mh side of map.
3. Keep them contained on the ya side with rail
4. Keep them contained as long as you can instead of going for red
5. You can be kind of aggresive on the map when they go for the rail and don't have anything
6. Some simple spawnfragging tips
7. How to defend ra with gl
8. Always time mh
9. Contain, deny rail, get gl
10. Aiming tips
I just saved 11 minutes of anyone who wants to watch this video.
Also what are hard/important moments for player in control on aero? opponent on red with weapons and ya? mh/ra spawning the same time? You didn't cover any of these so it's hard to consider it a full 'in control' guide.
And on the side note - how can anyone make a guide that covers only in control play when your main goal playing in control is to deny ur opponent from getting control so you have to know how he can do to get back and deny it.
PS about spawn fragging part of your previous post: it should be easy following you video guide, shouldn't it? Or maybe you have some methods to avoid it? Why didn't you cover them then?
We should stop editing our posts because it breaks the converstation ;)
Ok so it wasn't for me. Let's hear the opinion on it usefulness of ppl who played it 1000 times then.
Maybe this shortguide didn't help you but look, fau:
I'm an avarage player on the classic maps (ztn, furious heights, dm6 etc..) but I've never managed to play a good Aerowalk-game. I was always a little confused about the speed in this map.
His little youtube video helped me to beat some guy with equal elo: that never happened before to me because I didn't focus on the basics of this map. And it happened after only 10 mins of youtube watching. You got to confess that there must be something good in this video.. ^_^