Okay youre Irish but your profile doesnt mean shit. Mine could say I'm 18 but I could actually be 14 and too scared to tell the community I'm so young. You from everything I've gathered are 16. Unless you can prove your identity (Facebook etc)
I count like twelve guys in the promode community, and like a good twenty or so guys in the quakeworld community. Quake live has a completely fragmented community though. And don't bs me with the "it has qlpickup.us" and people who work hard coding things like wn and syncore. Okay, real cool and nice and all, but the overall community has zero unity. Even people who are decent can hardly be found on irc or have straight up quit and all there is to ever do is clan arena at all hours and duel people on occassion who are usually NOT AT YOUR SKILL... either so far below, that you probably just may have made them ragequit duel permenantly and exiled them to go back to their 24/7 tier 4 ca (even though they probably belong in a lower tier) or you get raped really badly, which is okay, except the guy leaves because he doesn't think 20--4'ing you again is worth his time.
Honestly, tell me the Quake 2 community is more active, and what channels they frequent in irc, and maybe if it's more than six people I'll actually give it a try. I'm getting bored of all these communities.