I thought I had problems with OpenGL in general, but it just seems to be Quake 3. I built a new rig, and it seems I have a lot of screen tearing in Quake 3. In Quake Live it's smooth and I have zero issues.

I've tried cnq3, ioq3, dfengine, all of them give me tearing. I think ioq3 gives me less tearing, but I'm not sure. I never had this issue on my older rig, it's the same config too.

Windowed mode gives me no tearing, but I get a reduced frame rate, except it still shows 125fps in the corner. I rather play fullscreen anyways.

75hz LCD, my r_displayrefresh is 75, rez is 1280x1024.

Any ideas or solutions? Maybe I need to change the openGL mode?