Directly invited teams:












Deep Inside, Dreadful Place, Grim Dungeons, Hidden Fortress, Purgatory
Links: Source, #ClanBase.ql
Edited by Badb0y at 17:50 CDT, 8 April 2012 - 43546 Hits
So because you can't tell for sure if either of the team is much better than the other, and they were the best teams in Division 1, you decide that one of them is NOT good enough for EC?
That's what you imply when you make them play against each other. And it doesn't make any sense.
Yeah i felt like they both deserved a spot after their performance in OpenCup.
- direct invitations are based on previous EC results
qualifications are based on previous EC results and results from other leaguesOther leagues:
So D9's last place in the last EC earns them another direct invite? You can't be serious. What did onfire accomplish in the last EC again?There are only 8 teams from last EC who signed, so there was no other team that could be put directly into EC this season.
And previous OC results don't count? Or why do you decide that one of the 2 best teams out of Division 1 (sitto and play) isn't good enough for EC?My bad.. I meant that qualifications are based on previous OC results and other leagues.
both are treated equally?We couldn't find anyone else who could do the qualification instead of TE.
If there is the rule that no team can get a direct invitation if it hasn't already played in the previous EC (which is a really weird rule)That's the way how those teams were picked and I don't find it very weird.. there are more ways of doing invitation/qualification and we chose this.
you at least have to make sure that you don't put up 2 EC-worthy teams against each other in a qualification match.Currently we weren't able to avoid this. It's also a matter of opinion.
If there is such a choice as 4 groups 4 teams why not take that one?
Letting more teams in broadens the playground for everyone.4 groups with 4 teams or 2 groups with 6 teams.. that's a matter of opinion. I don't like the first one because teams would get to play only 3 matches in group stage. Also EC is not about having loads of teams competing there. If it was, we could just invite everyone there and make 10 groups.
Do you need to justify letting each and every team to someone?It feels like some people demand it.
Also teams change and go up and down ladders outside of CB.
One of your qualifiers won official match against a direct invitee.This was already explained.
There are only 8 teams from last EC who signed, so there was no other team that could be put directly into EC this season.
Currently we weren't able to avoid this. It's also a matter of opinion.You could avoid it by not having sitto and play compete against each other. As I mentioned above, this implies that only ONE SINGLE TEAM out of division 1 is good enough for the EC, because the 2nd best isn't allowed.
So the least you can do is explain your decision to include these two OR make them play a qualification.
You could avoid it by not having sitto and play compete against each other. As I mentioned above, this implies that only ONE SINGLE TEAM out of division 1 is good enough for the EC, because the 2nd best isn't allowed.
This doesn't make any sense, though. Due to only 8 signups of previous EC-teams, you HAVE to fill the EC with previous Div1-teams. The decision two NOT allow the second best div1-team into EC directly contradicts this need.
- direct invitations are based on previous EC results
The participating teams are:If other supervisors are inviting the OC winner, why can't you?
- The winners of last year's open cup: Celtic War Lordz
Like I sad before "we cannot follow 50 clans, their A/B/C teams, lineups for every match they play" the same goes about "ask just about any active team in QL". There's just not enough time for that.
If we wanted to "cut corners or reduce play time" we would make EC for 16 teams and 4 groups (like some people are asking), where we would get only 24 games (each team 3 games only) instead of 30 games that we have now (5 games each team) in EC.
I don't like the idea of losing one clan, but you have to understand that we cannot make changes every day when somebody raise his voice. Also I'm sure you know the saying: "You cannot please everyone" which very much applies in this case.
I did what i could, i gave my suggestions and then woke up and saw the new qualifiers and an email confirming the change. Needless to say.. they look..different.
- we will get less games in total (24 compared to 30)
- every team will get to play only 3 matches, compared to 5 in group stage
- more low quality games
- EC will have more teams than any other opencup division
- EC will be less interesting