loved how you raged cypher, fucking kid wanted to bet you 1k euro to play another ztn, i woulda taken his fucking money rofl
also tox thinks hes so baller, drops down on ztn vs ur lg trying to out lg you, fucking aim faggot scrub, loved that you aim whored him.
for strenx, are we really sure he doesnt cheat? he went TOE TO TOE with a bot trying hard to out aim him, im not impressed by strenx on lan at ALL, he doesnt hit that much shit, but online he hits EVERYTHING
maybe hes just toggling online for easy cash as he is 'lan tested' already so ppl will buy his aim game bullshit.
"for strenx, are we really sure he doesnt cheat? he went TOE TO TOE with a bot trying hard to out aim him, im not impressed by strenx on lan at ALL, he doesnt hit that much shit, but online he hits EVERYTHING"
look at his game vs jewrho or w/e hes called when strenx was warping to 300 ping, he STILL hit him. Every fucking rail on 300 ping warp hit jewrho, it was nonsense
if you suddenly lag when you have autoshoot, it still shoots and it still hits.
strenx probably loling hard as he doesn't even need to play legit cuz ppl will think its him aiming as usual.
its like if the head of the DEA starts selling drugs, whos gonna fucking know? HES THE HEAD, NOBODY ELSE TO REPORT TO, HES THE NIG IN CHARGE, SUP SON? WANNA BUY SOME DOPE?
pretty insane how well strenx did against wh, item timer, aim assist and autofire (he would've even won if the cheater didn't completely stop trying to hide the autorail near the end at all)
you doing it way too long and shamelessly kkk. someday youll eventually meet someone that will recognize you. im not saying anyone going to hunt you down or anything, mainly cos you are too little of a rodent to begin with, but surely one day you will meet your fate. not tomorrow for sure, or the next month, maybe not this year. maybe five or ten year later, when you already forgot you ever played quake. but on that day your organs and vowels will be stomped out of your body. the only thing i hope for that fine gentleman who makes this huge favor to mankind will post pictures of your corpse afterwards here.
It's a guy with dynamic IP that creates a new acc every day. His perception of reality has been altered so much through his constant cheating that he actually believes he's legit.
I'm not sure who, or what, is going on here. I can tell this Daddy guy clearly pissed off a lot of people. However, you should really refrain from telling people to off themselves. If he truly is Romanian, he probably abuses the hell out of palinka. It's cheap and easy to get in their country. This particular part of Europe [Eastern] is plagued with a serious alcoholism problem. Furthermore, they are a newly independent country. They still live in the shadows of their past, and telling them to kill themselves won't help.
i dont drink. or do drugs. i dont like feelin dizzy. or when u go to bed drunk or high and the whole room is spinning and stuff. hate that.
this is what i do: smoking (normal cigarettes), sweets, juice, fat food (hate soups) pizza mcdonalds spaghetti kebabs, like that, virgins (very jealous, hate bitches that fucked other guys, which pretty much means i hate all bitches) and love having power, which is what quake is all about for me
btw the list of stereotypes about romania from ur post is remarkable. but u seem an okish guy so gg overall
I admire your honesty. However, you seem fucking angry. I'm not sure why Quake is about all of those things for you, it isn't for me. Your diet concerns me. You should decrease your smoking, sugar intake, and fatty foods. Why do you hate soups? From my understanding, your country has some pretty legit soups. Also, do you exercise? You should try running or some kind of active sport that keeps you moving. I wasn't stereotyping, I was stating what little I know about your country.
If it makes you feel better, I enjoyed the indie movie 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days. Found it a bit alarming, to be honest.
lol man if it makes me feel better?
yeah i know i lead a very unhealthy life. expecting cancer or some shit from smoking, i accept that. used to do sports, soccer, tennis, weightlifting for a couple of years, some swimming for a short while during my first college and during summers when i was younger. but ever since i got a pc (in 2006 lol, i just watched tv and read books up til then) i'm very sedentary. 2006 was also the year when my ocd started.
If it makes you feel better, meaning, I wasn't trying to disrespect or stereotype your country. It's a Romanian film.
You should try getting back into some of those things. Play some sports, go for a jog. Try something new. It won't be easy, but neither is Quake. I am trying to quit smoking. It's the reason I am still up at 445am on a Thursday morning. Nicotine is a stimulant.
Staying active will increase your focus, your motivation, and your desire to succeed at something. That shit you're eating isn't going to help either. What types of fruits and veggies do you like? If you love McDonalds, eat it in moderation.
Also, as I stated earlier, I don't know what you did to piss them off. I suspect you cheated, otherwise you wouldn't need a bunch of dynamic IP addresses. Trufax?
Hehe, if you find it helpful. I'm almost 30. The 30 year bug is biting me in the ass. ;)
Also, I believe in helping people. If it helps you understand my intentions, I received some personal medical news that kind of woke me up (it isn't life threatening, simply challenging).
Furthermore, something completely shitty happened with my work situation. It's mostly my fault. I trusted someone, and she fucked me over. Hard. I'm not vindictive, by any means, but I am extremely competitive when I need to be. This is an instance that absolutely calls for competition. What she did is the equivalent of hacking. Only she didn't code a damn thing. She just downloaded a hack. I am going to beat this bitch at her own game. It just takes time, patience, and some strategic planning. My life's mission right now is to beat this bitch. Bitches, man.
If you want to learn some more vocabulary treasure, try reading some T.S. Eliot. His goal in life was to educate people. The majority of his published works were intended to cause the reader to look shit up.
Read it once, the same way you learn a new Quake map. When a new map is released, what do you do? You run around aimlessly trying to learn the map, looking for items and finding directions.
Read it again and start analyzing the text, the same way you read the new map in Quake so you can learn how to control your opponent and win the round.
Once you complete this assignment, and prove to me in some way that you have learned this information, we'll move on to satire.
what i meant was how can it make me feel better if u like that movie or not. i didnt make the damn thing. so what if it's romanian, u can like it or not lol i dont care
about health stuff, i dont care either. about focus, i'm on prozac now, hope it helps soon, need a month or so to see
about me and ql, yeah, they're all mad as hell, i've been owning everyone since 2011 then posting demos and shit here to rub it in
honestly, there's something i never quite understood when it came to cheaters.
so, technically, if you decide to cheat that means that you accepted the fact that no matter how much time you put into it, you'll always suck dick in quake. alright.
but what's extremely confusing for me is - after the timelimit hit, do you actually feel like you've won?
About strenx doing well vs cheaters.. he has enough aim to go toe to toe vs a 10 elo dodge gypsie like daddy, i've seen him beating daddy a few times actually. If he's able to keep enough armor he will beat him.
I've seen avek, which you can't accuse of cheating since he ain't that much of an aimwhore beating the chicken lover.
Hell even i have beaten this mchicken boy.
Btw gypsie.. you must be really dellusional if your claiming being on a power trip .. did you confuse the fucking library where they let nutcases work with the white house? Must feel really almighty working for underwage at library right gypsie.