Some of you might remember me from the past, about 2 years ago, or maybe not.
And you might say: 'Oh yeah, that guy is crazy'. And you would be right too. I am. Or rather was.
I posted a lot of nonsens, especially around the ESWC tourney 2010.
I'm not gonna name names but I believe I pissed off most of the community here.
For that I am sorry. I'm not gonna justify my action other than to say I had a psychotic episode, and my 'world' so to speak became unreal for a few weeks.
The illness I have and have been struggling with for years is called schizophrenia.
In my case it's just this: when I am sick I lose grip with reality and have delusions that just isn't real. That doesn't make me dangerous or anything but I do behave different and I might sound weird or even crazy. I do not on the other hand hear voices or have a split personality but I do change when I have these episodes.
The good thing for me is that I underwent treatment shortly after this with medication and institutionalisation for a few weeks. I'm still on medication and my life slowly being rebuilt. So that's a start really.
I'm not gonna say anything more about this illness as I still struggle with it every day. But I can for once in nearly 2 years say it's getting better.
So for those of you who were offended by me; I am truly sorry that it got to this and I hope you can forgive me.
I know it sounds pathetic, but I do care about the community here and about quake so that's why I choose to do this.
Sorry for the long post, I just had to get this off my chest.
Thanks for reading.
- plissken
Some of you might remember me from the past, about 2 years ago, or maybe not.
And you might say: 'Oh yeah, that guy is crazy'. And you would be right too. I am. Or rather was.
I posted a lot of nonsens, especially around the ESWC tourney 2010.
I'm not gonna name names but I believe I pissed off most of the community here.
For that I am sorry. I'm not gonna justify my action other than to say I had a psychotic episode, and my 'world' so to speak became unreal for a few weeks.
The illness I have and have been struggling with for years is called schizophrenia.
In my case it's just this: when I am sick I lose grip with reality and have delusions that just isn't real. That doesn't make me dangerous or anything but I do behave different and I might sound weird or even crazy. I do not on the other hand hear voices or have a split personality but I do change when I have these episodes.
The good thing for me is that I underwent treatment shortly after this with medication and institutionalisation for a few weeks. I'm still on medication and my life slowly being rebuilt. So that's a start really.
I'm not gonna say anything more about this illness as I still struggle with it every day. But I can for once in nearly 2 years say it's getting better.
So for those of you who were offended by me; I am truly sorry that it got to this and I hope you can forgive me.
I know it sounds pathetic, but I do care about the community here and about quake so that's why I choose to do this.
Sorry for the long post, I just had to get this off my chest.
Thanks for reading.
- plissken
Edited by plissken at 04:01 CDT, 28 April 2012 - 18567 Hits