Hot on the heels of the QLPP12 update and our Free Premium Week, we have a small release to meet the demand of a few recent player requests, and address a number of both long standing issues as well as some newer issues found late in the testing process of QLPP12. We have also taken the opportunity to update our database solutions to improve site performance near peak hours of play.
Web and Infrastructure Updates
Updated our Database solutions to their latest versions to improve performance.
The Start-a-Match updated to remove infinite ammo and spawn item options in InstaGib modes.
Guide updated to correct TDM timelimit and Quad Factor values.
Customer Support now supports English only.
Game Updates
Resolved Issues:
Proxy mines that time out near other proxy mines can no longer crash Clan Arena, Attack & Defend, or Red Rover games.
Players receiving damage would sometimes play the incorrect pain sounds when their health was above 75hp.
Weapons, such as the lightning gun, may no longer be duped by dropping them while, firing, and using the 'use item' command.
The railgun and lightning gun hums were not audible while spectate following a player if Draw Gun was disabled.
Players are now able to use the in-game menus during a paused match.
Vampiric Damage now properly leeches health from kill shots.
Overall Accuracy on +acc now auto updates, instead of relying on a scoreboard update.
Reward sound are no longer delayed if the has scoreboard is being displayed at the time the award is earned.
Last Standing VOs will no longer play multiple times.
Third person now works in demo files.
Domination control point possession indicators now display while spectating.
Domination control point possession indicators now display on the Min and Large HUDs.
A non-present team score of -9999 no longer shows on the Large HUD in games of Red Rover.
Setting cg_poimaxdist2d to 0 will no longer spam the console with a warning message. The cvar has been deprecated and removed.
One Flag CTF flag possession indicators are now properly aligned on the free float spectating HUDs.
Players will no longer be kick for invalid name while in Practice Mode.
The game no longer loads the old/unused Q3 menus into memory.
The game no longer loads and parses the old/unused Q3 gameinfo.txt data.
The basic Player Model section UI box in game options was not displaying in the new Domination, Attack & Defend, and Red Rover gametypes.
Last Standing VO sometimes would not play. The message is now being sent in a more reliable manner.
Handicap would not display if the handicap was >= 50 and the startingHealth was >= 200.
A broken 'Best Weapon' icon on the CA Scoreboard will no longer appear before the image data loads.
Attackers can no longer receive a defense award when killing a defender in attacker's base in Attack & Defend.
Match no longer enter a broken warmup state in Duel if an active duel player leaves during the pause/timeout.
Changes & Additions:
Matches may no longer be forfeited during a pause or timeout.
The Last Standing VO may now be disabled with 'cg_playTeamVO 0'.
Teammate overhead icons distance scaling can now be controlled with the cvars g_drawFriendMaxWidth and cg_drawFriendMinWidth. Reducing the size of minWidth will allow the icon to become even smaller the further the distance between you and your teammate, increasing the minWidth won't allow them to scale down as much but may make it easier to keep track of the general direction of your teammates.
Some sever owners were abusing addscore, addteamscore. As such, these admin commands have been removed from server owners and are now reserved for id or special LAN event use.
Deprecated the cvars cg_domIconMax / cg_domIonMin used to control the size of the Domination POIs and instead replaced them with cg_poiMaxWidth and cg_poiMinWidth, more generic cvars that now work on all objective POIs.
Your own overhead icons are no longer drawn, unless you enable cg_drawSpriteSelf. Your own frozen icon in Freeze Tag will no longer block your view.
Kill Beeps are now enabled by default, utilizing the success 'Ding' sound effect. This may be altered or disabled in the in-game Game Options menu, or in the console with cg_killBeep.
Updated the TDM gametype description text to remove the fraglimit notice.
Map Updates:
Camper Crossings - Players can no longer drop the flag behind glass wall in base.
Bloodrun - Clipping fixed near RG. Spawns updated.
Brimstone Abbey - There was invisible collision at the base of the stairs in the pool room.
Cliffside - Mountainside to the left of the castle was not fully clipped.
Focal Point - Wall has missing collision on second floor near the RG/GL.
Furious Heights - Fixed the invisible collision on stairs between RA/RG.
Industrial Accident - HOM fixed in ceiling grating in lower perimeter hallways.
Japanese Castle - Fixed missing spawns in Red Rover.
Web and Infrastructure Updates
Updated our Database solutions to their latest versions to improve performance.
The Start-a-Match updated to remove infinite ammo and spawn item options in InstaGib modes.
Guide updated to correct TDM timelimit and Quad Factor values.
Customer Support now supports English only.
Game Updates
Resolved Issues:
Proxy mines that time out near other proxy mines can no longer crash Clan Arena, Attack & Defend, or Red Rover games.
Players receiving damage would sometimes play the incorrect pain sounds when their health was above 75hp.
Weapons, such as the lightning gun, may no longer be duped by dropping them while, firing, and using the 'use item' command.
The railgun and lightning gun hums were not audible while spectate following a player if Draw Gun was disabled.
Players are now able to use the in-game menus during a paused match.
Vampiric Damage now properly leeches health from kill shots.
Overall Accuracy on +acc now auto updates, instead of relying on a scoreboard update.
Reward sound are no longer delayed if the has scoreboard is being displayed at the time the award is earned.
Last Standing VOs will no longer play multiple times.
Third person now works in demo files.
Domination control point possession indicators now display while spectating.
Domination control point possession indicators now display on the Min and Large HUDs.
A non-present team score of -9999 no longer shows on the Large HUD in games of Red Rover.
Setting cg_poimaxdist2d to 0 will no longer spam the console with a warning message. The cvar has been deprecated and removed.
One Flag CTF flag possession indicators are now properly aligned on the free float spectating HUDs.
Players will no longer be kick for invalid name while in Practice Mode.
The game no longer loads the old/unused Q3 menus into memory.
The game no longer loads and parses the old/unused Q3 gameinfo.txt data.
The basic Player Model section UI box in game options was not displaying in the new Domination, Attack & Defend, and Red Rover gametypes.
Last Standing VO sometimes would not play. The message is now being sent in a more reliable manner.
Handicap would not display if the handicap was >= 50 and the startingHealth was >= 200.
A broken 'Best Weapon' icon on the CA Scoreboard will no longer appear before the image data loads.
Attackers can no longer receive a defense award when killing a defender in attacker's base in Attack & Defend.
Match no longer enter a broken warmup state in Duel if an active duel player leaves during the pause/timeout.
Changes & Additions:
Matches may no longer be forfeited during a pause or timeout.
The Last Standing VO may now be disabled with 'cg_playTeamVO 0'.
Teammate overhead icons distance scaling can now be controlled with the cvars g_drawFriendMaxWidth and cg_drawFriendMinWidth. Reducing the size of minWidth will allow the icon to become even smaller the further the distance between you and your teammate, increasing the minWidth won't allow them to scale down as much but may make it easier to keep track of the general direction of your teammates.
Some sever owners were abusing addscore, addteamscore. As such, these admin commands have been removed from server owners and are now reserved for id or special LAN event use.
Deprecated the cvars cg_domIconMax / cg_domIonMin used to control the size of the Domination POIs and instead replaced them with cg_poiMaxWidth and cg_poiMinWidth, more generic cvars that now work on all objective POIs.
Your own overhead icons are no longer drawn, unless you enable cg_drawSpriteSelf. Your own frozen icon in Freeze Tag will no longer block your view.
Kill Beeps are now enabled by default, utilizing the success 'Ding' sound effect. This may be altered or disabled in the in-game Game Options menu, or in the console with cg_killBeep.
Updated the TDM gametype description text to remove the fraglimit notice.
Map Updates:
Camper Crossings - Players can no longer drop the flag behind glass wall in base.
Bloodrun - Clipping fixed near RG. Spawns updated.
Brimstone Abbey - There was invisible collision at the base of the stairs in the pool room.
Cliffside - Mountainside to the left of the castle was not fully clipped.
Focal Point - Wall has missing collision on second floor near the RG/GL.
Furious Heights - Fixed the invisible collision on stairs between RA/RG.
Industrial Accident - HOM fixed in ceiling grating in lower perimeter hallways.
Japanese Castle - Fixed missing spawns in Red Rover.
"QUAKE LIVE is currently performing a game and infrastructure upgrade"
anyone got any info on this or if its related to complaints regarding their premium content model? (
edit: ^ nvmd
Edited by dutra at 12:21 CDT, 15 May 2012 - 69025 Hits