Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 20 May 2012 to 12:00 CDT, 20 May 2012Schedule: Passed
The previous Zotac Cup ended with predominantly Eastern players battling for the 100€ prize, make sure to check the recent VODs posted below. This week, Cypher will try to claim the prize, along with other notable singups including GaRpY, Agent, p0ni and other Dreamhack invited players such as a1r-r41d, strenx and Portugal's best kept secret, ins
VOD: Finals onYoutube (), Finals on Levelup TV ()
Links: Tournament page + Streams + Brackets, #zotac.qlive // HoF
Edited by Anhedonique at 05:26 CDT, 27 May 2012 - 16230 Hits
But I suggest you use proper time codes ;)