- Is anyone curious or amused by this?
- Are they taking the piss out of the gaming industry?
- Isn't it just the most ridiculous name possible for a rpg?
- Are they taking the piss out of the gaming industry?
- Quality vs. Quantity D:
- Are they taking the piss out of the gaming industry?
- Is Quantity the future for games, and Quality a thing of the past? :(
- Are they taking the piss out of the gaming industry?
- Will Questmania be the LIDL of mmorpgs? :$
- Are they taking the piss out of the gaming industry?
- Reputation based on Shootmania :S
- Are they taking the piss out of the gaming industry?
- Does anyone know any further info / screenshots? etc... :|
- Are they taking the piss out of the gaming industry?
- Let's all hold hands and laugh at them for disrupting DH :_(