I thought we were past the movies with metal music and no editing! Although it's not the style I appreciate the most, I know that a lot of people do; also: except the two scenes from ospdm5, there are only ctfpickup frags which is a big plus!
yeah, as much as I would like it to, metal doesn't really fit a QL fragmovie very well... especially not that shitty song. you have to find something with a PROPA BEAT:
I don't ( ok I do ) mean to be a cunt but the day metalheads will finally listen to music and not just metal we might actually be able to hear instruments or even maybe FUCKING NOTES in the terribly produced stuff they put out.
The next step will be to stop cramming everything into 1db but most of them are deaf anyway.
That's a genuine complaint and question. I stopped caring about metal in 05 because the bands were all playing the same thing and each time I come back I'm baffled by the production standards. When a meh album from 1986 is more fun to listen to than a really good album from 2011 ( can go back to the early 2000s really ) because the 2011 blows your fucking ears out and every instrument is drowning the others something is wrong.
There's a difference between the wall of sound approach and just cranking everything up to 11 and compressing the shit out of everything :p
that's an unfortunate problem of the whole music bussiness not only metal side unfortunately. but there are still some terrificly engineered records, but if you stopped caring you will never get across them. and it's easy to judge from that point of view. i'm knee deep in this stuff. and if you're interested i can back my opinion up, but it's not music forum, so i don't like to get into lengthy and impossible to conclude discussions which this definitely has a potential to become:]
I don't get it... there are countless excellent albums pre-2000, but you stopped caring about metal because of the shitty post-2000 ones? So why not carry on listening to the countless pre-2000 classics? Or maybe your just not listening to the right genre of metal ;)
That was Cult of luna and the song Leave me here, which you surely know if you're listening to Kingdom =). Also, Kingdom is great, but i still think Amenra is better.
Edit: I might love you btw, knowing you listen to music.
Yeah, it's astonishing how the simplicity of Amenra works so well live. It's even better with Celeste, though. You should really see them live, in case you haven't yet.