twister: say, how was your trip?
pavel_: hooyovo priehal (~= fucking shit trip)
twister: pavel had a bad trip.
pavel_: flew on an airplane, been late to the bus for the three hours, so much delays.
twister: many delays!
twister: what can you say about your games, how do you think, what's your level of play now?
pavel_: i could win, was my mistake to attack there, lost to dahang.
twister: how is your overall feeling, is it like at home?
pavel_: it's all the same.
twister: pavel said, i asked him how he's feel playing and he's said that it was just as home for him.
twister: who do you want to play with in quarterfinals?
pavel_: i think, spartie or dkt, or evil, or... who else is there? don't remember.
twister: don't know.
twister: so i asked him who you want to play in quarterfinals and he said he wants to play dkt or spartie or... someone i forgot.
(both looking at the questions at
pavel_: strenx? screw you strenx! :)
twister: what's your opinion of strenx?
twister: pavel says he doesn't like strenx.
pavel_ (about smth on the screen): i will not answer that question.
pavel_: why strenx did not come, who knows?
twister: pavel is angry that strenx did not come.
twister: what would you do to him if he's been here?
pavel_: nothing, why?
twister: :)
twister: people say that strenx is afraid of you.
pavel_: of course (in non-believing expression)
pavel_: ok, let's go out from here.