9.0 2012-04-28
* fx: added 'common/jumpPad'
* cg_drawEventNumbers draw floating id number of events
* /eventfilter <'clear', event id>
see cg_drawEventNumber
* attempt to play corrupt demos as far as possible
* raise com_hunkmegs default to 256
* cg_buzzerSound end of game buzz sound (same as quakelive)
* cg_scoreBoardOld to use non premium scoreboards
* /ecam scale <speed up/down scale value>
speed up or down the selected camera points by adjusting camera time (2.0: twice as fast, 0.5: half speed)
* bug fix: sometimes entity number wasn't drawn above demo taker
* /entityfreeze <'clear', entity number> and /listentityfreeze
* added cgamepostinit.cfg autoexec which can be run when all set up has been completed and all the game info and commands are available
* bug fix: prevent crashing in any cgame function if the first snapshot hasn't been set
* bug fix: allow ';' inside config/exec comments
* raised shader 'animmap' limit from 8 to 2048, credit to Cyberstorm, suggested by KittenIgnition and mccormic
* bug fix: cg_crosshairBrightness and cg_crosshairAlphaAdjust set to 0 could be treated as 1.0
* bug fix: scoreboard could become stuck in free floating spectator demos
* cg_powerupLight (enable or disable player glow when they have a powerup)
* don't spam console if you mistype shader name with cg_adShaderX
* /setcolortable <index number> r g b a
* com_qlColors (1: quake live, 2: quake3)
* bug fix: error loading some maps because of null valued spawn vars (ex: ospdm6)
* allow F1 -> F12 binds while console is open
* cl_numberPadInput to disable number pad functions and allow them as input
* bug fix: clear selected camera points when loading a new camera
* better delagging for bots
* take out "wait to sync" and other camera console spamming
* freetype6.dll no longer required for windows client
* 64 bit compiling fixes (works for linux, haven't tested windows)
* bug fix: don't play extra pain sound when a player lands from a high fall
* bug fix: camera angle velocity calculated incorrectly
* camera editing hud: show if origin or angles aren't smooth
* camera editing hud: fix spelling errors
* camera editing hud: add small message on how to disable
* camera editing hud: show currently selected camera points
* camera editing hud: remove some unecessary text
* camera editing hud: add immediate velocity (true velocity when you pass a camera point)
* bug fix: don't play extra countdown sounds at start of demo or when seeking
* bug fix: draw scoreboard when player dies in spectator demos
* bug fix: hud element CG_CAPFRAGLIMIT show time limit for duel and tdm
* bug fix: don't use random values in lagometer when seeking
* some quake3 demo support by setting command line cvar protocol to 68
ex: copy map_cpm3a.pk3 into wolfcamql/wolfcam-ql/
wolfcamql.exe +set protocol 68 +demo ratelpajuo
* bug fix: camera code could set wrong sound entity for first person view resulting in first person view sounds being played at half volume
* s_showMiss debug cvar to show skipped sounds (1: skipped because of max repeat rate, 2: also show if it was skipped because of max number of sounds being played, >2: show if sound channel couldn't be allocated)
* s_show >2 will only output when a sound is played
* s_maxSoundRepeatTime skip playing a sound if it is repeated this often in milliseconds (default is 0 to match quakelive, q3 is 50) Noticeable with lg hit beeps
* s_maxSoundInstances (96: default similar to quake live, 0: q3 code which limits either 4 or 8 sounds attached to an entity -- with the bug of the 3d world counting as an entity)
* s_qlAttenuate (0: q3 style -- use smaller distance for sound volume calculation and always play at full volume sounds within 80 game units, 1: default calculate sound volumes like quake live)
* bug fix: lightning gun impact bolt could be shown when hitting sky shader
* fx bug fix: lightning gun impact mark could draw on sky shader
* fx bug fix: regular lightning gun impact mark was being drawn in addition to scripted one
* fx: lightning gun impact fps independent cg_fxLightningGunImpactFps (default is 125, 0 to disable)
* player model scaling and server set models:
cg_playerModelAutoScaleHeight scale player models to match this height (default: 57, "" to disable)
these are used after auto scaling pass:
cg_playerModelAllowServerScale use server info to apply additional scaling
cg_playerModelAllowServerScaleDefault for older demos without server info use this as default (default is 1.1)
server set player models:
cg_playerModelAllowServerOverride (default 1)
options to force settings:
cg_playerModelForceScale, cg_playerModelForceLegsScale, cg_playerModelForceTorsoScale, cg_playerModelForceHeadScale, cg_playerModelForceHeadOffset
client override options: "modelscale", "legsmodelscale", "torsomodelscale", "headmodelscale", "headoffset", "modelautoscale" (match this height)
* fx bug fix: missing parts of weapon models don't disable scripting
* fx bug fix: grapple/trail called from wrong place
* fx: change missing grapple/trail shader in q3mme.fx
* lightmap fixes for r_singleShaderName and support for textures without lightmap stage
* changing r_singleShader and r_singleShaderName don't require vid_restart
* cg_wideScreenScoreBoardHack (1: don't stretch but center on screen, 2: ignore cg_wideScreen and stretch to fit)
* auto exec: scoreboardon.cfg and scoreboardoff.cfg
* changing r_lightmap doesn't require a vid_restart
* fx: added 'emitterf' which lets lerp go from 0.0 to greater than 1.0. checking for lerp >= 1.0 can be used for clean up or to set final values
* fx: /listfxscripts and /printdirvector (prints current viewangles as a dir vector)
* fx: /runfx and /runfxat to run arbritary scripts and add effects indpendent of game events and can be used as a generic scripting system
ex: /bind y runfx player/gibbed
ex: /runfx changefov
// fx version of '/cvarinterp cg_fov 0 110 10'
changeFov {
t0 cg_fov
emitterf 10 {
if lerp >= 1.0 { // last call cleanup, set cg_fov to orig value
command cg_fov %t0
return // all done
//echo lerp
t1 t0 * lerp
command cg_fov %t1
see readme for options
* fx bug fix: 'return' was only skipping the current block
* instant weapon switch demos don't play old weapon sound when firing
* fx: color1 and color2 available from all weapon scripts (ex: can colorize rail impact according to player set colors)
* fx: /clearfx [emitter id] and 'emitterId' float to tag emitter. See readme for example usage.
* fx bug fix: correct reset for 'distance' and 'interval' when fast forwarding/rewinding
* switch to "weaponNone" during intermission
* bug fix: accuracy window time alignment
* bug fix: center print chopping off text greater than 50 characters
* can use bounded keys in main menus
* cg_fragTokenAccuracyStyle (0: "35%", 1: "35", 2: "0.35")
* bug fix: camera could set wrong freecam position after camera playback
* cg_demoStepSmoothing (move up steps smoothly instead of stuttering up and down during demo playback the same as is done when playing the game)
* cg_stepSmoothTime default is 100 (similar to quakelive) which will usually bounce up and down when crouching and going up steps. quake3 default is 200 where even crouch will cause you to move up stairs in a straight line
* cg_stepSmoothMaxChange
* higher precision for 'curve' camera type (floating point overflows with low timescales)
* bug fix: cg_drawAttackerTime wasn't being used
* cg_zoomBroken ql/q3 have weird zooming behavior where if you release zoom key early it wont zoom back down from the zoom fov you had reached, instead it will switch to full zoom fov and back down from there. Can look as if zoom key is stuck with low timescales.
* cg_zoomIgnoreTimescale
* cg_zoomTime how quickly, in milliseconds, to zoom in and out
* allow +zoom when using /follow
* /dumpents [filename] [ent number | 'freecam' | 'all'], /stopdumpents
see readme for information about the file format
* 'fixedtime' cvar can use values less than 1.0
* bug fix: don't crash if surface is missing a shader
* bug fix: use shader instead of direct image file for some hud elements
* cg_mouseSeekUseTimescale (1: will scale demo seeking based on timescale value, 2: (default) take timescale value into account only when less than 1.0)
* cg_cameraDebugPath adds a model showing the camera path without updating freecam origin and angles, use r_drawworld 0 and r_fastsky 1 for a clearer view
* use 'info_player_start' with cg_drawSpawns
* cg_customMirrorSurfaces (when using r_forcemap will use the map's mirror information to add reflected scenes)
* /addmirrorsurface <x> <y> <z> //FIXME maybe take out, don't know if it's useful
* cg_pathRewindTime and cg_pathSkipNum (number of points to skip for smoothing)
* /drawrawpath will toggle drawing
* /stopplaypath
* /recordpath accepts an arg to specify filename, default file now written to cameras/ directory
* /recordpath records information at a later stage allowing even 1st person path to be saved and it has higher precision (doesn't depend on server times)
* cg_audioAnnouncerFlagStatus, cg_audioAnnouncerLead, cg_audioAnnouncerTimeLimit, cg_audioAnnouncerFragLimit, cg_audioAnnouncerWin, cg_audioAnnouncerScore
* cg_proxMineTick (play mine tick sound)
* cg_drawProxWarning* (text when you have been mined)
* /ecam reset
resets all adjusted velocities
* /ecam rebase [origin | angles | dir | dirna | time | timen <server time>]
edit camera times to start now or at the time given time, use current
angles, origin, or direction as the new starting values
* /ecam smooth velocity
change camera times to have the final immediate velocity of a camera point
match the initial immediate velocity of the next camera point
* /ecam smooth avgvelocity
change camera times to have all points match the total average velocity
run command multiple times for better precision
* /ecam smooth origin
match, if possible, the final immediate velocity of a camera point to the
immediate initial velocity of the next camera point to have smooth origin
transitions (done by setting the appropriate overall final and initial
* /ecam smooth angles
(same as '/ecam smooth origin' for view angles)
* /ecam smooth originf
aggresive origin smoothing which will change origins and camera times in
order to match velocities
* /ecam smooth anglesf
aggresive angles smoothing which will change angles (but not times) in order
to match angle velocities
* cg_cameraSmoothFactor (value between 1.0 and 2.0) used by /ecam smooth <type>
* bug fix fx: don't run weapon/flash script twice for 1st person view
* new tiered armor hud support
* use correct thaw tick sound in freezetag
* switching to freecam doesn't change your origin. use /freecam 0 0 26 or /freecam offset 0 0 26 for old behavior of switching to third person above the player model
* /freecam accepts [offset | set | move | last] as a first argument (with offset being the default)
ex: /freecam move 100 whill switch to third person 100 game units ahead of player
/freecam last switch to third person and use last freecam position
* /setviewangles
* /moveoffset same as move but using xyz coordinates
* /move command changes positions/angles relative to where you already are: /move [forward amount] [right] [up] [pitch] [yaw] [roll]
* cg_itemSpawnPrint adds a chatline when items respawn and the demo was recorded with cg_enableRespawnTimer 1
* item timer doesn't get reset when rewinding or fast forwarding (except for cpm mega health)
* don't play kill beep if you kill yourself or kill/thaw a teammate
* cg_scoreBoardWarmup 1 to match ql (show scoreboard when you die in warmup)
* bug fix: don't play announcer warnings during warmup
* support for new ctf scoreboard, tdm and duel scoreboard changes, fix bug in freezetag scoreboard, use same formula as ql for net, frag, and death calculations
* EV_DROWN and don't play pain sounds underwater to match ql
* bug fix: don't draw lg beam twice if /following and it switches to demo pov
* cg_battleSuitKillCounter
* auto exec: firstpersonswitch.cfg and wolfcamfirstpersonswitch.cfg
* cg_firstPersonSwitchSound default "sound/wc/beep05" play this sound when the view changes in a spectator demo. Set to "" to disable.
* wolfcam_firstPersonSwitchSoundStyle (0: don't play cg_firstPersonSwitchSound when using '/follow' 1: only play when switching back and forth from selected player, including /follow [victim|killer] 2: always play switch sound when view changes)
* com_execVerbose default 0 to avoid spamming console when you execute a cfg file
* ql shader parameter 'novlcollapse' (used with r_vertexLight 1)
* cg_noTaunt
* r_fastsky 2 won't disable portal views
* r_showtris and r_showNormals set to 2 won't have wallhack effect
* r_debugMarkSurface when set to 1 will print the name of the map shader upon which impact marks are drawn
* r_ignoreNoMarks allows marks on surfaces that have been set to not have marks on them. Mostly for use with r_debugMarkSurface but can be used if you want to have extra impact marks (lamps, etc..).
1: allow extra impact marks except on water, slime, fog, and lava
2: allow even on liquids and fog (if possible)
* dynamically change shaders with /remapshader <old shader> <new shader> [time offset -- usually 0] [keepLightmap from first shader -- 0: no 1: yes (default)]
ex: /remapshader textures/gothic_floor/metalbridge02 textures/gothic_floor/largerblock3b4
/clearremappedshader <shader name>
also, as a convenience: /remaplasttwoshaders which remaps the last two uniquely named shaders
ex: 'bind h /remaplasttwoshaders' shoot surface with shader you want, shoot surface you want to change, hit 'h' (maps 0 to 1 in console)
* bug fix: crash with /devmap and r_vertexLight 1
* camtrace 3d support:
Add camera points as usual then /camtracesave [old] will save cameras/ct3d/pos which can be imported into camtrace 3d. They will be exported as et:qw compatible files unless the 'old' option is used. 'old' option writes etpro compatible files which can be imported into camtrace as obviously 'et' type and they can also be used in older versions of camtrace 3d.
Commands added for compatibility are exec_at_time, g_fov, demo_scale, freecamlookatplayer [num], freecamsetpos
* stop video recording before finishing 'disconnect' or 'quit'
* fix s_doppler (don't think it ever worked)
* s_useTimescale adjust audio pitch according to timescale
* s_forceScale force audio to scale pitch
* max hud menu limit raised to 1024
* fx scripting: added 'pow' and 'atan2' functions
* fix divide by zero bug with cg_drawfps > 1
* bug fix mac dynamic library loading
* fx: added 'common/jumpPad'
* cg_drawEventNumbers draw floating id number of events
* /eventfilter <'clear', event id>
see cg_drawEventNumber
* attempt to play corrupt demos as far as possible
* raise com_hunkmegs default to 256
* cg_buzzerSound end of game buzz sound (same as quakelive)
* cg_scoreBoardOld to use non premium scoreboards
* /ecam scale <speed up/down scale value>
speed up or down the selected camera points by adjusting camera time (2.0: twice as fast, 0.5: half speed)
* bug fix: sometimes entity number wasn't drawn above demo taker
* /entityfreeze <'clear', entity number> and /listentityfreeze
* added cgamepostinit.cfg autoexec which can be run when all set up has been completed and all the game info and commands are available
* bug fix: prevent crashing in any cgame function if the first snapshot hasn't been set
* bug fix: allow ';' inside config/exec comments
* raised shader 'animmap' limit from 8 to 2048, credit to Cyberstorm, suggested by KittenIgnition and mccormic
* bug fix: cg_crosshairBrightness and cg_crosshairAlphaAdjust set to 0 could be treated as 1.0
* bug fix: scoreboard could become stuck in free floating spectator demos
* cg_powerupLight (enable or disable player glow when they have a powerup)
* don't spam console if you mistype shader name with cg_adShaderX
* /setcolortable <index number> r g b a
* com_qlColors (1: quake live, 2: quake3)
* bug fix: error loading some maps because of null valued spawn vars (ex: ospdm6)
* allow F1 -> F12 binds while console is open
* cl_numberPadInput to disable number pad functions and allow them as input
* bug fix: clear selected camera points when loading a new camera
* better delagging for bots
* take out "wait to sync" and other camera console spamming
* freetype6.dll no longer required for windows client
* 64 bit compiling fixes (works for linux, haven't tested windows)
* bug fix: don't play extra pain sound when a player lands from a high fall
* bug fix: camera angle velocity calculated incorrectly
* camera editing hud: show if origin or angles aren't smooth
* camera editing hud: fix spelling errors
* camera editing hud: add small message on how to disable
* camera editing hud: show currently selected camera points
* camera editing hud: remove some unecessary text
* camera editing hud: add immediate velocity (true velocity when you pass a camera point)
* bug fix: don't play extra countdown sounds at start of demo or when seeking
* bug fix: draw scoreboard when player dies in spectator demos
* bug fix: hud element CG_CAPFRAGLIMIT show time limit for duel and tdm
* bug fix: don't use random values in lagometer when seeking
* some quake3 demo support by setting command line cvar protocol to 68
ex: copy map_cpm3a.pk3 into wolfcamql/wolfcam-ql/
wolfcamql.exe +set protocol 68 +demo ratelpajuo
* bug fix: camera code could set wrong sound entity for first person view resulting in first person view sounds being played at half volume
* s_showMiss debug cvar to show skipped sounds (1: skipped because of max repeat rate, 2: also show if it was skipped because of max number of sounds being played, >2: show if sound channel couldn't be allocated)
* s_show >2 will only output when a sound is played
* s_maxSoundRepeatTime skip playing a sound if it is repeated this often in milliseconds (default is 0 to match quakelive, q3 is 50) Noticeable with lg hit beeps
* s_maxSoundInstances (96: default similar to quake live, 0: q3 code which limits either 4 or 8 sounds attached to an entity -- with the bug of the 3d world counting as an entity)
* s_qlAttenuate (0: q3 style -- use smaller distance for sound volume calculation and always play at full volume sounds within 80 game units, 1: default calculate sound volumes like quake live)
* bug fix: lightning gun impact bolt could be shown when hitting sky shader
* fx bug fix: lightning gun impact mark could draw on sky shader
* fx bug fix: regular lightning gun impact mark was being drawn in addition to scripted one
* fx: lightning gun impact fps independent cg_fxLightningGunImpactFps (default is 125, 0 to disable)
* player model scaling and server set models:
cg_playerModelAutoScaleHeight scale player models to match this height (default: 57, "" to disable)
these are used after auto scaling pass:
cg_playerModelAllowServerScale use server info to apply additional scaling
cg_playerModelAllowServerScaleDefault for older demos without server info use this as default (default is 1.1)
server set player models:
cg_playerModelAllowServerOverride (default 1)
options to force settings:
cg_playerModelForceScale, cg_playerModelForceLegsScale, cg_playerModelForceTorsoScale, cg_playerModelForceHeadScale, cg_playerModelForceHeadOffset
client override options: "modelscale", "legsmodelscale", "torsomodelscale", "headmodelscale", "headoffset", "modelautoscale" (match this height)
* fx bug fix: missing parts of weapon models don't disable scripting
* fx bug fix: grapple/trail called from wrong place
* fx: change missing grapple/trail shader in q3mme.fx
* lightmap fixes for r_singleShaderName and support for textures without lightmap stage
* changing r_singleShader and r_singleShaderName don't require vid_restart
* cg_wideScreenScoreBoardHack (1: don't stretch but center on screen, 2: ignore cg_wideScreen and stretch to fit)
* auto exec: scoreboardon.cfg and scoreboardoff.cfg
* changing r_lightmap doesn't require a vid_restart
* fx: added 'emitterf' which lets lerp go from 0.0 to greater than 1.0. checking for lerp >= 1.0 can be used for clean up or to set final values
* fx: /listfxscripts and /printdirvector (prints current viewangles as a dir vector)
* fx: /runfx and /runfxat to run arbritary scripts and add effects indpendent of game events and can be used as a generic scripting system
ex: /bind y runfx player/gibbed
ex: /runfx changefov
// fx version of '/cvarinterp cg_fov 0 110 10'
changeFov {
t0 cg_fov
emitterf 10 {
if lerp >= 1.0 { // last call cleanup, set cg_fov to orig value
command cg_fov %t0
return // all done
//echo lerp
t1 t0 * lerp
command cg_fov %t1
see readme for options
* fx bug fix: 'return' was only skipping the current block
* instant weapon switch demos don't play old weapon sound when firing
* fx: color1 and color2 available from all weapon scripts (ex: can colorize rail impact according to player set colors)
* fx: /clearfx [emitter id] and 'emitterId' float to tag emitter. See readme for example usage.
* fx bug fix: correct reset for 'distance' and 'interval' when fast forwarding/rewinding
* switch to "weaponNone" during intermission
* bug fix: accuracy window time alignment
* bug fix: center print chopping off text greater than 50 characters
* can use bounded keys in main menus
* cg_fragTokenAccuracyStyle (0: "35%", 1: "35", 2: "0.35")
* bug fix: camera could set wrong freecam position after camera playback
* cg_demoStepSmoothing (move up steps smoothly instead of stuttering up and down during demo playback the same as is done when playing the game)
* cg_stepSmoothTime default is 100 (similar to quakelive) which will usually bounce up and down when crouching and going up steps. quake3 default is 200 where even crouch will cause you to move up stairs in a straight line
* cg_stepSmoothMaxChange
* higher precision for 'curve' camera type (floating point overflows with low timescales)
* bug fix: cg_drawAttackerTime wasn't being used
* cg_zoomBroken ql/q3 have weird zooming behavior where if you release zoom key early it wont zoom back down from the zoom fov you had reached, instead it will switch to full zoom fov and back down from there. Can look as if zoom key is stuck with low timescales.
* cg_zoomIgnoreTimescale
* cg_zoomTime how quickly, in milliseconds, to zoom in and out
* allow +zoom when using /follow
* /dumpents [filename] [ent number | 'freecam' | 'all'], /stopdumpents
see readme for information about the file format
* 'fixedtime' cvar can use values less than 1.0
* bug fix: don't crash if surface is missing a shader
* bug fix: use shader instead of direct image file for some hud elements
* cg_mouseSeekUseTimescale (1: will scale demo seeking based on timescale value, 2: (default) take timescale value into account only when less than 1.0)
* cg_cameraDebugPath adds a model showing the camera path without updating freecam origin and angles, use r_drawworld 0 and r_fastsky 1 for a clearer view
* use 'info_player_start' with cg_drawSpawns
* cg_customMirrorSurfaces (when using r_forcemap will use the map's mirror information to add reflected scenes)
* /addmirrorsurface <x> <y> <z> //FIXME maybe take out, don't know if it's useful
* cg_pathRewindTime and cg_pathSkipNum (number of points to skip for smoothing)
* /drawrawpath will toggle drawing
* /stopplaypath
* /recordpath accepts an arg to specify filename, default file now written to cameras/ directory
* /recordpath records information at a later stage allowing even 1st person path to be saved and it has higher precision (doesn't depend on server times)
* cg_audioAnnouncerFlagStatus, cg_audioAnnouncerLead, cg_audioAnnouncerTimeLimit, cg_audioAnnouncerFragLimit, cg_audioAnnouncerWin, cg_audioAnnouncerScore
* cg_proxMineTick (play mine tick sound)
* cg_drawProxWarning* (text when you have been mined)
* /ecam reset
resets all adjusted velocities
* /ecam rebase [origin | angles | dir | dirna | time | timen <server time>]
edit camera times to start now or at the time given time, use current
angles, origin, or direction as the new starting values
* /ecam smooth velocity
change camera times to have the final immediate velocity of a camera point
match the initial immediate velocity of the next camera point
* /ecam smooth avgvelocity
change camera times to have all points match the total average velocity
run command multiple times for better precision
* /ecam smooth origin
match, if possible, the final immediate velocity of a camera point to the
immediate initial velocity of the next camera point to have smooth origin
transitions (done by setting the appropriate overall final and initial
* /ecam smooth angles
(same as '/ecam smooth origin' for view angles)
* /ecam smooth originf
aggresive origin smoothing which will change origins and camera times in
order to match velocities
* /ecam smooth anglesf
aggresive angles smoothing which will change angles (but not times) in order
to match angle velocities
* cg_cameraSmoothFactor (value between 1.0 and 2.0) used by /ecam smooth <type>
* bug fix fx: don't run weapon/flash script twice for 1st person view
* new tiered armor hud support
* use correct thaw tick sound in freezetag
* switching to freecam doesn't change your origin. use /freecam 0 0 26 or /freecam offset 0 0 26 for old behavior of switching to third person above the player model
* /freecam accepts [offset | set | move | last] as a first argument (with offset being the default)
ex: /freecam move 100 whill switch to third person 100 game units ahead of player
/freecam last switch to third person and use last freecam position
* /setviewangles
* /moveoffset same as move but using xyz coordinates
* /move command changes positions/angles relative to where you already are: /move [forward amount] [right] [up] [pitch] [yaw] [roll]
* cg_itemSpawnPrint adds a chatline when items respawn and the demo was recorded with cg_enableRespawnTimer 1
* item timer doesn't get reset when rewinding or fast forwarding (except for cpm mega health)
* don't play kill beep if you kill yourself or kill/thaw a teammate
* cg_scoreBoardWarmup 1 to match ql (show scoreboard when you die in warmup)
* bug fix: don't play announcer warnings during warmup
* support for new ctf scoreboard, tdm and duel scoreboard changes, fix bug in freezetag scoreboard, use same formula as ql for net, frag, and death calculations
* EV_DROWN and don't play pain sounds underwater to match ql
* bug fix: don't draw lg beam twice if /following and it switches to demo pov
* cg_battleSuitKillCounter
* auto exec: firstpersonswitch.cfg and wolfcamfirstpersonswitch.cfg
* cg_firstPersonSwitchSound default "sound/wc/beep05" play this sound when the view changes in a spectator demo. Set to "" to disable.
* wolfcam_firstPersonSwitchSoundStyle (0: don't play cg_firstPersonSwitchSound when using '/follow' 1: only play when switching back and forth from selected player, including /follow [victim|killer] 2: always play switch sound when view changes)
* com_execVerbose default 0 to avoid spamming console when you execute a cfg file
* ql shader parameter 'novlcollapse' (used with r_vertexLight 1)
* cg_noTaunt
* r_fastsky 2 won't disable portal views
* r_showtris and r_showNormals set to 2 won't have wallhack effect
* r_debugMarkSurface when set to 1 will print the name of the map shader upon which impact marks are drawn
* r_ignoreNoMarks allows marks on surfaces that have been set to not have marks on them. Mostly for use with r_debugMarkSurface but can be used if you want to have extra impact marks (lamps, etc..).
1: allow extra impact marks except on water, slime, fog, and lava
2: allow even on liquids and fog (if possible)
* dynamically change shaders with /remapshader <old shader> <new shader> [time offset -- usually 0] [keepLightmap from first shader -- 0: no 1: yes (default)]
ex: /remapshader textures/gothic_floor/metalbridge02 textures/gothic_floor/largerblock3b4
/clearremappedshader <shader name>
also, as a convenience: /remaplasttwoshaders which remaps the last two uniquely named shaders
ex: 'bind h /remaplasttwoshaders' shoot surface with shader you want, shoot surface you want to change, hit 'h' (maps 0 to 1 in console)
* bug fix: crash with /devmap and r_vertexLight 1
* camtrace 3d support:
Add camera points as usual then /camtracesave [old] will save cameras/ct3d/pos which can be imported into camtrace 3d. They will be exported as et:qw compatible files unless the 'old' option is used. 'old' option writes etpro compatible files which can be imported into camtrace as obviously 'et' type and they can also be used in older versions of camtrace 3d.
Commands added for compatibility are exec_at_time, g_fov, demo_scale, freecamlookatplayer [num], freecamsetpos
* stop video recording before finishing 'disconnect' or 'quit'
* fix s_doppler (don't think it ever worked)
* s_useTimescale adjust audio pitch according to timescale
* s_forceScale force audio to scale pitch
* max hud menu limit raised to 1024
* fx scripting: added 'pow' and 'atan2' functions
* fix divide by zero bug with cg_drawfps > 1
* bug fix mac dynamic library loading
9.1 2012-05-07
* support for new quake live update
* cg_roundScoreBoard in Attack and Defend game type
* cg_flagStyle same as quakelive
* cg_helpIconStyle (3: like quakelive -- wall hack effect and size doesn't change with distance, 2: only wall hack effect, 1: wall hack effect off, 0: no icon)
* cg_drawDominationPointStatus and cvars to customize
* cg_dominationPointTeamColor, cg_dominationPointTeamAlpha, cg_dominationPointEnemyColor, cg_dominationPointEnemyAlpha, cg_dominationPointNeutralColor, cg_dominationPointNeutralAlpha
* cg_audioAnnouncerDominationPoint
* cg_attackDefendVoiceStyle (0: 'fight!', 1: like quake live -- 'attack/defend the flag')
* bug fix: correct round announcements
* cg_audioAnnouncerLastStanding
* cg_drawWarmupStringY default now 60
* bug fix: /fragfoward works again for quake live demos
* bug fix: color code error in 'player vs player' message
* support for new quake live update
* cg_roundScoreBoard in Attack and Defend game type
* cg_flagStyle same as quakelive
* cg_helpIconStyle (3: like quakelive -- wall hack effect and size doesn't change with distance, 2: only wall hack effect, 1: wall hack effect off, 0: no icon)
* cg_drawDominationPointStatus and cvars to customize
* cg_dominationPointTeamColor, cg_dominationPointTeamAlpha, cg_dominationPointEnemyColor, cg_dominationPointEnemyAlpha, cg_dominationPointNeutralColor, cg_dominationPointNeutralAlpha
* cg_audioAnnouncerDominationPoint
* cg_attackDefendVoiceStyle (0: 'fight!', 1: like quake live -- 'attack/defend the flag')
* bug fix: correct round announcements
* cg_audioAnnouncerLastStanding
* cg_drawWarmupStringY default now 60
* bug fix: /fragfoward works again for quake live demos
* bug fix: color code error in 'player vs player' message
9.2 2012-06-24
* bug fix: scoreboard names overwriting scores
* bug fix: names sometimes cut too short in team overlay
* bug fix: /editcamerapoint [next|previous] with only one camera point won't send you to a random part of the map
* fx: include lg impact work around in q3mme.fx so that sound isn't fps dependent
* doc typo: to enable q3 sound dropping set s_maxSoundInstances to -1 not 0
* cg_debugImpactOrigin to print to the console the origin of the last impact mark
* bug fix: don't always drawing placement string with frag messages (ex: '1st place with 15')
* cg_fragMessageStyle changed to allow more control of placement string: (0: never add, 1: (default) only for appropriate game types, 2: always add)
* wrap long lines in info screen
* print game type in info screen for quake3 demos
* bug fix: don't play thirty second warning sound at the beginning of round if roundlimit is set to zero
* bug fix: cg_railUseOwnColors uses color1 for impact color
* ioquake3 patches: (ex: possible crash with r_vertexlight 1, entity constant light, ...)
* bug fix: display correct owner with item timer in cpma demos when using /follow
* use time/round limit for hud CG_CAPFRAGLIMIT if game doesn't have capture or frag limit
* bug fix: ctf gametype correctly detected in quake3 demos
* added default maps/campgrounds.cfg and maps/qzdm6.cfg which fix missing freecam models/textures
* branching functions for configs (ifeq, iflt, etc...) (see README)
* alias, unalias, and unaliasall same as quake live
* cg_forceBModel[number] to fix missing models in freecam (see README)
* cg_decal[number] to add custom decals/posters (see README)
for testing you can use /adddecal
ex: bind n "/adddecal wc/poster"
shoot at wall or floor, press n, and check cg_decal* values
* bug fix: ET_MOVER type shown with cg_drawEntNumbers
* bug fix: friend, foe, and help icons sometimes not being drawn
* bug fix: spec demos showing other player item pickups in hud
* cg_helpIconMinWidth and cg_helpIconMaxWidth
* cg_drawFriendMinWidth and cg_drawFriendMaxWidth (like quake live), also cg_drawFoeMinWidth, cg_drawFoeMaxWidth, cg_drawSelfMinWidth, cg_drawSelfMaxWidth
* cg_drawSprites (like quake live)
* cg_drawSpriteSelf (like quake live: controls drawing own 'frozen' sprite in freezetag)
* 'last standing' annoucer fixes
* bug fix: play bfg explosion if it hits player
* colorize held rail weapons based on refire rate
* r_mode -2 supported (set window to desktop size)
* enable death scoreboard in spectator demos (listed previously, but it was disabled)
* MAX_MENUS raised to 128
* better osp mod detection
* bug fix: reward sounds triggered just before death could have been skipped
* osp colors
* bug fix: scoreboard names overwriting scores
* bug fix: names sometimes cut too short in team overlay
* bug fix: /editcamerapoint [next|previous] with only one camera point won't send you to a random part of the map
* fx: include lg impact work around in q3mme.fx so that sound isn't fps dependent
* doc typo: to enable q3 sound dropping set s_maxSoundInstances to -1 not 0
* cg_debugImpactOrigin to print to the console the origin of the last impact mark
* bug fix: don't always drawing placement string with frag messages (ex: '1st place with 15')
* cg_fragMessageStyle changed to allow more control of placement string: (0: never add, 1: (default) only for appropriate game types, 2: always add)
* wrap long lines in info screen
* print game type in info screen for quake3 demos
* bug fix: don't play thirty second warning sound at the beginning of round if roundlimit is set to zero
* bug fix: cg_railUseOwnColors uses color1 for impact color
* ioquake3 patches: (ex: possible crash with r_vertexlight 1, entity constant light, ...)
* bug fix: display correct owner with item timer in cpma demos when using /follow
* use time/round limit for hud CG_CAPFRAGLIMIT if game doesn't have capture or frag limit
* bug fix: ctf gametype correctly detected in quake3 demos
* added default maps/campgrounds.cfg and maps/qzdm6.cfg which fix missing freecam models/textures
* branching functions for configs (ifeq, iflt, etc...) (see README)
* alias, unalias, and unaliasall same as quake live
* cg_forceBModel[number] to fix missing models in freecam (see README)
* cg_decal[number] to add custom decals/posters (see README)
for testing you can use /adddecal
ex: bind n "/adddecal wc/poster"
shoot at wall or floor, press n, and check cg_decal* values
* bug fix: ET_MOVER type shown with cg_drawEntNumbers
* bug fix: friend, foe, and help icons sometimes not being drawn
* bug fix: spec demos showing other player item pickups in hud
* cg_helpIconMinWidth and cg_helpIconMaxWidth
* cg_drawFriendMinWidth and cg_drawFriendMaxWidth (like quake live), also cg_drawFoeMinWidth, cg_drawFoeMaxWidth, cg_drawSelfMinWidth, cg_drawSelfMaxWidth
* cg_drawSprites (like quake live)
* cg_drawSpriteSelf (like quake live: controls drawing own 'frozen' sprite in freezetag)
* 'last standing' annoucer fixes
* bug fix: play bfg explosion if it hits player
* colorize held rail weapons based on refire rate
* r_mode -2 supported (set window to desktop size)
* enable death scoreboard in spectator demos (listed previously, but it was disabled)
* MAX_MENUS raised to 128
* better osp mod detection
* bug fix: reward sounds triggered just before death could have been skipped
* osp colors
9.3 2012-12-04
* fx bug fix: bubble trail being drawn outside of water
* cg_spectatorListSkillRating, cg_spectatorListScore, cg_spectatorListQue for the scrolling scoreboard spectator list
* cg_fovStyle (0: quake3 style where cg_fov sets the actual horizontal field of view, 1: quake live style where vertical field of view doesn't change with different window sizes and horizontal view is adjusted accordingly)
* cg_fovIntermission force a default fov during intermission, default is 90
* /dumpstats to print the stats data sent at the end of game in newer quake live demos
* bug fix: some debugging images not drawn while paused
* bug fix: shadow code disabled drawing camera path lines
* bug fix: score could be reset to 0 in duel scoreboard
* add more info to non premium duel scoreboard
* fx: use 'cg_railRings' instead of 'cg_oldRail' in q3mme.fx
* fx: print error message if cvar doesn't exist and a math script defaults to checking cvars
* bug fix: local sounds don't fade when view switches
* scoreboard fix for scores sending only live player updates
* scoreboard fix for non premium users being sent premium score commands
* fx: 'extraShader', 'extraShaderClear', and 'extraShaderEndTime' for scripts associated with player entities. For 'impactFlesh' scripts these refer to the victim and for other weapon scripts generally the attacker.
* hud: added some missing ownerdraws
* documentation for the correct syntax for pow and atan2 functions
* hud: added 'elementColor' and highlighting of selected row
* fx: added modulus operator '%'
* hud bug fix: String_Allocate() memory leak
* hud bug fix: a font change will check if the font was already loaded
* bug fix: function keys in console with /devmap would only work once
* hud extensions: commands (cvarSet, textExt, etc...), hud variables, math processing, if/else blocks within itemDefs, additional ownerdraws, and ability to attach a 'run' script to items to dynamically change things (see README-wolfcam.txt)
examples include quake3 osp style warmup message and custom weapon bar
* cg_audioAnnouncerRewardsFirst enable first reward having a unique voice over
* cg_rewardsStack (0: don't play multiple reward announcements for the same reward if it happens within cg_drawRewardsTime)
* cg_drawRewards 3 enables cpma style multiple reward medals shown
* support EV_HEADSHOT and cg_headShots to enable/disable
* fx: 'common/headShot'
* fx: enabled weapon/machinegun/trail, weapon/chaingun/trail, and weapon/shotgun/trail
* fx: added rtcw/et style moving tracers to machinegun, chaingun, and shotgun trails in scripts/q3mme.fx
* fx: added 'snow' surfacetype
* bug fix: adding more than 1022 entities would draw a null model at the center of the map
* cg_simpleItemsBob and cg_simpleItemsHeightOffset same as quakelive
* bug fix: don't play gong sound when leaving intermission
* scoreboard options work with old q3 scoreboard
* bug fix: seeking, fast-forwarding, rewinding into intermission would use the in-game scoreboard, not the end-of-game scoreboard
* hud support for end of game map voting
* hud bug fix: text scale value for CG_AREA_NEW_CHAT was being ignored
* bug fix: incorrect picture alignment with cg_drawRewardsAlign
* fx bug fix: incorrect 'if/else' logic in q3mme.fx gib script
* added some documentation about fx 'emitter' using small values
* r_flares 2 enables id code for flares with dynamic lights (a little buggy)
* small fix for r_flares to prevent drawing completely obscured flares
* ioquake3 patches
* fixed typos and added some missing cvars in the README file
* r_fog enable/disable drawing fog
* fx bug fix: bubble trail being drawn outside of water
* cg_spectatorListSkillRating, cg_spectatorListScore, cg_spectatorListQue for the scrolling scoreboard spectator list
* cg_fovStyle (0: quake3 style where cg_fov sets the actual horizontal field of view, 1: quake live style where vertical field of view doesn't change with different window sizes and horizontal view is adjusted accordingly)
* cg_fovIntermission force a default fov during intermission, default is 90
* /dumpstats to print the stats data sent at the end of game in newer quake live demos
* bug fix: some debugging images not drawn while paused
* bug fix: shadow code disabled drawing camera path lines
* bug fix: score could be reset to 0 in duel scoreboard
* add more info to non premium duel scoreboard
* fx: use 'cg_railRings' instead of 'cg_oldRail' in q3mme.fx
* fx: print error message if cvar doesn't exist and a math script defaults to checking cvars
* bug fix: local sounds don't fade when view switches
* scoreboard fix for scores sending only live player updates
* scoreboard fix for non premium users being sent premium score commands
* fx: 'extraShader', 'extraShaderClear', and 'extraShaderEndTime' for scripts associated with player entities. For 'impactFlesh' scripts these refer to the victim and for other weapon scripts generally the attacker.
* hud: added some missing ownerdraws
* documentation for the correct syntax for pow and atan2 functions
* hud: added 'elementColor' and highlighting of selected row
* fx: added modulus operator '%'
* hud bug fix: String_Allocate() memory leak
* hud bug fix: a font change will check if the font was already loaded
* bug fix: function keys in console with /devmap would only work once
* hud extensions: commands (cvarSet, textExt, etc...), hud variables, math processing, if/else blocks within itemDefs, additional ownerdraws, and ability to attach a 'run' script to items to dynamically change things (see README-wolfcam.txt)
examples include quake3 osp style warmup message and custom weapon bar
* cg_audioAnnouncerRewardsFirst enable first reward having a unique voice over
* cg_rewardsStack (0: don't play multiple reward announcements for the same reward if it happens within cg_drawRewardsTime)
* cg_drawRewards 3 enables cpma style multiple reward medals shown
* support EV_HEADSHOT and cg_headShots to enable/disable
* fx: 'common/headShot'
* fx: enabled weapon/machinegun/trail, weapon/chaingun/trail, and weapon/shotgun/trail
* fx: added rtcw/et style moving tracers to machinegun, chaingun, and shotgun trails in scripts/q3mme.fx
* fx: added 'snow' surfacetype
* bug fix: adding more than 1022 entities would draw a null model at the center of the map
* cg_simpleItemsBob and cg_simpleItemsHeightOffset same as quakelive
* bug fix: don't play gong sound when leaving intermission
* scoreboard options work with old q3 scoreboard
* bug fix: seeking, fast-forwarding, rewinding into intermission would use the in-game scoreboard, not the end-of-game scoreboard
* hud support for end of game map voting
* hud bug fix: text scale value for CG_AREA_NEW_CHAT was being ignored
* bug fix: incorrect picture alignment with cg_drawRewardsAlign
* fx bug fix: incorrect 'if/else' logic in q3mme.fx gib script
* added some documentation about fx 'emitter' using small values
* r_flares 2 enables id code for flares with dynamic lights (a little buggy)
* small fix for r_flares to prevent drawing completely obscured flares
* ioquake3 patches
* fixed typos and added some missing cvars in the README file
* r_fog enable/disable drawing fog
9.4 2012-12-07
* bug fix: temporary fix for random warmup round announcements in cpma
* bug fix: timeout console message uses timestamps
* bug fix: /seekclock takes into account game timeouts in quake live demos
* bug fix: last version used corrupt fov value with /follow
* increase maximum server message length to support last quake live update
* bug fix: temporary fix for random warmup round announcements in cpma
* bug fix: timeout console message uses timestamps
* bug fix: /seekclock takes into account game timeouts in quake live demos
* bug fix: last version used corrupt fov value with /follow
* increase maximum server message length to support last quake live update
9.5 2012-12-22
* typo in example weapon bar menu
* hud bug fix: 'visible' can be toggled in menuDef sections
* cg_allowServerOverride to allow custom game type messages, sounds, sprites, etc...
* 'Infected' game type support
* hud: ownerdraw WCG_REAL_PLAYER_HEAD to draw real player head/icon without substituting team color skins
* ioquake3 patches
* bug fix: demos that started inside a timeout would break /seekclock and /at
* bug fix: /seekclock and /at calculated time incorrectly if called from within a timeout
* bug fix: support for referee (unlimited time) pause
* bug fix: /seekclock and /at take into account 'timein' and referee pausing
* bug fix: don't display corrupt client item timer values after game timeouts
* bug fix: /at takes into account game timeouts
* fx bug fix: haste and flight trails could cause playback to stop for a long time
* more cpma support: bfg scoreboard stats, players left for round based team games, cap/frag limit settings for more gametypes, timeouts
* hud bug fix: 'following' name drawn 10 pixels lower than demo taker's name
* hud bug fix: 'following' name wasn't using color and alpha options with /follow
* hud: CG_MATCH_DETAILS display map name, not map message, in scoreboard for quake3 demos
* cg_drawGun 3 transparent weapon like quake live
* bug fix: shader sorting error
* less memory usage with map textures without valid lightmaps
* preliminary support for combining multiple demos, still has a few bugs:
/demo c1.dm_73 c2.dm_73 ...
/set all_ents (1: add all entities from all demos 2: extra debugging information)
known bugs: replaying event sounds for players
temporary command '/pov next' to cycle demos
* typo in example weapon bar menu
* hud bug fix: 'visible' can be toggled in menuDef sections
* cg_allowServerOverride to allow custom game type messages, sounds, sprites, etc...
* 'Infected' game type support
* hud: ownerdraw WCG_REAL_PLAYER_HEAD to draw real player head/icon without substituting team color skins
* ioquake3 patches
* bug fix: demos that started inside a timeout would break /seekclock and /at
* bug fix: /seekclock and /at calculated time incorrectly if called from within a timeout
* bug fix: support for referee (unlimited time) pause
* bug fix: /seekclock and /at take into account 'timein' and referee pausing
* bug fix: don't display corrupt client item timer values after game timeouts
* bug fix: /at takes into account game timeouts
* fx bug fix: haste and flight trails could cause playback to stop for a long time
* more cpma support: bfg scoreboard stats, players left for round based team games, cap/frag limit settings for more gametypes, timeouts
* hud bug fix: 'following' name drawn 10 pixels lower than demo taker's name
* hud bug fix: 'following' name wasn't using color and alpha options with /follow
* hud: CG_MATCH_DETAILS display map name, not map message, in scoreboard for quake3 demos
* cg_drawGun 3 transparent weapon like quake live
* bug fix: shader sorting error
* less memory usage with map textures without valid lightmaps
* preliminary support for combining multiple demos, still has a few bugs:
/demo c1.dm_73 c2.dm_73 ...
/set all_ents (1: add all entities from all demos 2: extra debugging information)
known bugs: replaying event sounds for players
temporary command '/pov next' to cycle demos
9.6 2012-12-30
* bug fix: long demo names were being truncated
* better support for combining demos: don't play random events for extra demo takers, still missing some sounds/events
* bug fix: long demo names were being truncated
* better support for combining demos: don't play random events for extra demo takers, still missing some sounds/events
9.7 2013-01-27
* map autoexecs for silence and useandabuse to fix disappearing freecam entities
* fx: weapon/*/fire scripts included in q3mme.fx
* fx: soundweapon, soundlistweapon, soundlocal, and soundlistlocal to allow non world sounds
* cg_forceBModelPosition[number] and cg_forceBModelTrajectory[number] in addition to cg_forceBModel[number] for maps like 'silence' and 'useandabuse' that also need to specify position, angles, and velocities for brush/map models
* 64bit fixes
* some fixes related to non-player fired weapons (example: grenade room in silentnight)
* fx: entity limit doubled to about 16000
* autoexec files fragforwardnext.cfg and fragforwarddone.cfg when seeking to next frag and when the last frag is played
* '/fragforward stop' to force a stop
* /fragforward command will print a message to the console indicating whether it's on or off
* cg_whIncludeDeadBody, cg_whIncludeProjectile
* fx bug fix: hitting fx entity limit could cause game models and images to be dropped
* fx: emmitters with negative 'emitterid' are treated as 'low priority' to allow control over which fx entities get dropped first if the maximum entity limit is reached (a little over 8000)
* fx: cg_fxDebugEntities to check if the maximum entity limit has been reached and which entities needed to be dropped
* fx: added additional fx emitter types for /localents command
* fx bug fix: distance script could get stuck in an infinite loop
* doc fixes and updates: incorrect time values for /fragforward, more information for /addcamerapoint, fx note about there being a limit of only 32 dynamic lights
* bug fix: don't draw crosshair health/armor values for teammates if team information isn't available
* cg_serverPrint to enable/disable printing server messages in the center of the screen
cg_serverPrintToChat to enable/disable printing server messages in the chat area
cg_serverPrintToConsole to enable/disable printing server messages in the console
in quakelive 'server print' messages include things like 'player disconnected', 'vote failed', and ctf flag status messages
* cg_serverCenterPrint* (see cg_serverPrint*)
in quakelive 'server center print' messages include things like 'player switched teams'
* fx: weapon/*/fire now uses muzzle point for 'origin', if you need the real/player origin it is passed in as 'parentOrigin'
* fx: q3mme.fx rail example uses quake live cvars
* bug fix: cg_railUseOwnColors disabled rail rings
* bug fix: crash if /seekclock used from the command line
* huffyuv compression option for avi recording
* cl_aviMotionJpeg replaced with cl_aviCodec (uncompressed, mjpeg, huffyuv)
* bug fix: blue flag status could be set incorrectly when seeking
* load all player models at the beginning of demo playback to help avoid stuttering when a new player connects
* cg_disallowEnemyModelForTeammates if cg_teamModel isn't set this will prevent a teammate having an enemy model
* reset vote settings after rewinding or fast forwarding
* hud: weapon bar uses orange color for low ammo to match quakelive
* cg_drawAmmoWarning 2 to only show 'out of ammo' text message
* cg_lowAmmoWarningStyle (0: broken q3 style based on total ammo of all weapons and estimate of seconds left, 1: like quake live based on percentile, 2: based on per weapon cvars)
* cg_lowAmmoWarningPercentile, cg_lowAmmoWarningSound,
and cg_lowAmmoWeaponBarWarning like quakelive
* cg_lowAmmoWarningMachineGun, cg_lowAmmoWarningRailGun, etc. for use with cg_lowAmmoWarningStyle 2
* bug fix: cg_drawItemPickupsFade 0 would make item pickup message stay on screen indefinitely
* cpma: demo taker duel rewards in scoreboard
* hud bug fix: showing wrong game type icon for duel
* ioquake3 patches
* hud: 'ready up' countdown during warmup
* map autoexecs for silence and useandabuse to fix disappearing freecam entities
* fx: weapon/*/fire scripts included in q3mme.fx
* fx: soundweapon, soundlistweapon, soundlocal, and soundlistlocal to allow non world sounds
* cg_forceBModelPosition[number] and cg_forceBModelTrajectory[number] in addition to cg_forceBModel[number] for maps like 'silence' and 'useandabuse' that also need to specify position, angles, and velocities for brush/map models
* 64bit fixes
* some fixes related to non-player fired weapons (example: grenade room in silentnight)
* fx: entity limit doubled to about 16000
* autoexec files fragforwardnext.cfg and fragforwarddone.cfg when seeking to next frag and when the last frag is played
* '/fragforward stop' to force a stop
* /fragforward command will print a message to the console indicating whether it's on or off
* cg_whIncludeDeadBody, cg_whIncludeProjectile
* fx bug fix: hitting fx entity limit could cause game models and images to be dropped
* fx: emmitters with negative 'emitterid' are treated as 'low priority' to allow control over which fx entities get dropped first if the maximum entity limit is reached (a little over 8000)
* fx: cg_fxDebugEntities to check if the maximum entity limit has been reached and which entities needed to be dropped
* fx: added additional fx emitter types for /localents command
* fx bug fix: distance script could get stuck in an infinite loop
* doc fixes and updates: incorrect time values for /fragforward, more information for /addcamerapoint, fx note about there being a limit of only 32 dynamic lights
* bug fix: don't draw crosshair health/armor values for teammates if team information isn't available
* cg_serverPrint to enable/disable printing server messages in the center of the screen
cg_serverPrintToChat to enable/disable printing server messages in the chat area
cg_serverPrintToConsole to enable/disable printing server messages in the console
in quakelive 'server print' messages include things like 'player disconnected', 'vote failed', and ctf flag status messages
* cg_serverCenterPrint* (see cg_serverPrint*)
in quakelive 'server center print' messages include things like 'player switched teams'
* fx: weapon/*/fire now uses muzzle point for 'origin', if you need the real/player origin it is passed in as 'parentOrigin'
* fx: q3mme.fx rail example uses quake live cvars
* bug fix: cg_railUseOwnColors disabled rail rings
* bug fix: crash if /seekclock used from the command line
* huffyuv compression option for avi recording
* cl_aviMotionJpeg replaced with cl_aviCodec (uncompressed, mjpeg, huffyuv)
* bug fix: blue flag status could be set incorrectly when seeking
* load all player models at the beginning of demo playback to help avoid stuttering when a new player connects
* cg_disallowEnemyModelForTeammates if cg_teamModel isn't set this will prevent a teammate having an enemy model
* reset vote settings after rewinding or fast forwarding
* hud: weapon bar uses orange color for low ammo to match quakelive
* cg_drawAmmoWarning 2 to only show 'out of ammo' text message
* cg_lowAmmoWarningStyle (0: broken q3 style based on total ammo of all weapons and estimate of seconds left, 1: like quake live based on percentile, 2: based on per weapon cvars)
* cg_lowAmmoWarningPercentile, cg_lowAmmoWarningSound,
and cg_lowAmmoWeaponBarWarning like quakelive
* cg_lowAmmoWarningMachineGun, cg_lowAmmoWarningRailGun, etc. for use with cg_lowAmmoWarningStyle 2
* bug fix: cg_drawItemPickupsFade 0 would make item pickup message stay on screen indefinitely
* cpma: demo taker duel rewards in scoreboard
* hud bug fix: showing wrong game type icon for duel
* ioquake3 patches
* hud: 'ready up' countdown during warmup
9.8 2013-01-28
* windows build doesn't require mingw dlls
* windows build doesn't require mingw dlls
9.9 2013-02-05
* bug fix: view change in demo could register as player 'warping'
* fx: /runfxall <script name> will run script against all present fx entities
* bug fix: if sound system isn't initialized it could lead to menu corruption
* bug fix: fragforwarddone.cfg wasn't being executed
* fx: 'shadertime' to control when shader animations begin
* fx: match q3mme behavior of only setting shadertime to current time when emitters first appear
* doc update: forgot to add that r_ignorehwgamma can be set to -1 to force hardware gamma if SDL incorrectly reports that the hardware doesn't support it
* bug fix: projectile models sometimes being loaded after they appear in the demo
* fx bug fix: shotgun pellet origin could become corrupted
* bug fix: view change in demo could register as player 'warping'
* fx: /runfxall <script name> will run script against all present fx entities
* bug fix: if sound system isn't initialized it could lead to menu corruption
* bug fix: fragforwarddone.cfg wasn't being executed
* fx: 'shadertime' to control when shader animations begin
* fx: match q3mme behavior of only setting shadertime to current time when emitters first appear
* doc update: forgot to add that r_ignorehwgamma can be set to -1 to force hardware gamma if SDL incorrectly reports that the hardware doesn't support it
* bug fix: projectile models sometimes being loaded after they appear in the demo
* fx bug fix: shotgun pellet origin could become corrupted
9.10 2013-02-25
* cg_rocketAimbot i guess
* bug fix: weapon flash origin didn't take account slight bouncing effect when movement is blocked
* changing cg_ambientSounds doesn't need a restart to take effect
* cg_ambientSounds changed:
0: disables all map sounds (not recommended)
1: play all map sounds
2: (default) disables ambient sounds except for various important sounds like powerup respawn, doors opening and closing, special item respawns, etc..
3: (like quakelive's 's_ambient 0') disables map looping sounds like fire, wind, etc. and allows map triggered sounds
* s_debugMissingSounds
* bug fix: disabling ambient sounds disabled door opening and closing sounds
* bug fix: disabling ambient sounds disabled custom player sounds like drowning
* default hud textScale value switched from 0.55 to 0.22 to match quake live
* ignore stray gib events in freezetag
* fx: player/thawed only accepts origin since player information isn't always available
* fx bug fix: player/thawed could use the wrong origin
* remove console spamming in freezetag (EV_THAW_TICK and EV_THAW_PLAYER)
* ignore archive flag for cg_forceBModel* cvars
* hud: current selected camera points always displayed and also drawn in yellow
* bug fix: /addcamerapoint would add a new camera point when it should have edited the current one
* fx: 'rings' emitter type uses 'dir' to calculate end point (matches q3mme behavior)
* fx bug fix: 'end0', 'end1', and 'end2' couldn't be set directly
* map autoexec for 'sinister' to prevent teleporters disappearing in freecam
* bug fix: random angles with cg_forceBModelPosition*
* bug fix: adding too many loop sounds could lead to a crash
* fx bug fix: only one loop sound was being played at a time
* bug fix: doppler sound using random data
* r_clearColor if you use 'r_clear 1' to clear screen before drawing
* r_ignoreEntityMergable (0: use shader's 'entityMergable' flag, 1: ignore shader's 'entityMergable' flag, 2: (default) ignore shader's 'entityMergable' flag if depth buffer is being saved)
quake3 has an optimization for sprites like smoke and blood that will lead to incorrect values if depth buffer is saved (mme_saveDepth).
* fx bug fix: moving emitters could sometimes use old origin values
* fx bug fix: correct 'skinNum' for models
* fx: 'shadertime' can be changed within emitter scripts
* fx bug fix: 'dir' can be changed in 'beam' and 'rings' emitter types (matches q3mme behavior)
* fx bug fix: weapon trail and fire origin were invalid if shooter wasn't present in current snapshot
* valgrind 'unitialized value' fixes
* bug fix: invalid uses of strncpy()
* use new sdl headers for linux build
* extra opengl error checking
* cg_flagStyle 3 allows colorized holographic flag model with cg_teamFlagColor and cg_enemyFlagColor
* ioquake3 patches
* cg_rocketAimbot i guess
* bug fix: weapon flash origin didn't take account slight bouncing effect when movement is blocked
* changing cg_ambientSounds doesn't need a restart to take effect
* cg_ambientSounds changed:
0: disables all map sounds (not recommended)
1: play all map sounds
2: (default) disables ambient sounds except for various important sounds like powerup respawn, doors opening and closing, special item respawns, etc..
3: (like quakelive's 's_ambient 0') disables map looping sounds like fire, wind, etc. and allows map triggered sounds
* s_debugMissingSounds
* bug fix: disabling ambient sounds disabled door opening and closing sounds
* bug fix: disabling ambient sounds disabled custom player sounds like drowning
* default hud textScale value switched from 0.55 to 0.22 to match quake live
* ignore stray gib events in freezetag
* fx: player/thawed only accepts origin since player information isn't always available
* fx bug fix: player/thawed could use the wrong origin
* remove console spamming in freezetag (EV_THAW_TICK and EV_THAW_PLAYER)
* ignore archive flag for cg_forceBModel* cvars
* hud: current selected camera points always displayed and also drawn in yellow
* bug fix: /addcamerapoint would add a new camera point when it should have edited the current one
* fx: 'rings' emitter type uses 'dir' to calculate end point (matches q3mme behavior)
* fx bug fix: 'end0', 'end1', and 'end2' couldn't be set directly
* map autoexec for 'sinister' to prevent teleporters disappearing in freecam
* bug fix: random angles with cg_forceBModelPosition*
* bug fix: adding too many loop sounds could lead to a crash
* fx bug fix: only one loop sound was being played at a time
* bug fix: doppler sound using random data
* r_clearColor if you use 'r_clear 1' to clear screen before drawing
* r_ignoreEntityMergable (0: use shader's 'entityMergable' flag, 1: ignore shader's 'entityMergable' flag, 2: (default) ignore shader's 'entityMergable' flag if depth buffer is being saved)
quake3 has an optimization for sprites like smoke and blood that will lead to incorrect values if depth buffer is saved (mme_saveDepth).
* fx bug fix: moving emitters could sometimes use old origin values
* fx bug fix: correct 'skinNum' for models
* fx: 'shadertime' can be changed within emitter scripts
* fx bug fix: 'dir' can be changed in 'beam' and 'rings' emitter types (matches q3mme behavior)
* fx bug fix: weapon trail and fire origin were invalid if shooter wasn't present in current snapshot
* valgrind 'unitialized value' fixes
* bug fix: invalid uses of strncpy()
* use new sdl headers for linux build
* extra opengl error checking
* cg_flagStyle 3 allows colorized holographic flag model with cg_teamFlagColor and cg_enemyFlagColor
* ioquake3 patches
9.11 2013-03-02
* bug fix: showing own base help icon in harvester
* bug fix: showing wrong number of skulls in harvester
* bug fix: empty ammo wasn't being drawn in red in quake live weaponbar
* bug fix: weapons in inventory could be unregistered
* bug fix: corrupt score data in forfeited matches
* support for latest quake live update (new scores commands, duel score backup for forfeits, cg_drawTieredArmorAvailability, pql new max ammo values, scoreboard messages)
* quake live's 'denied' global team sound
* cg_audioAnnouncerRoundReward to enable/disable end of round 'perfect' or 'denied' announcements
* fx bug fix: moving emitters weren't updating origin
* bug fix: showing own base help icon in harvester
* bug fix: showing wrong number of skulls in harvester
* bug fix: empty ammo wasn't being drawn in red in quake live weaponbar
* bug fix: weapons in inventory could be unregistered
* bug fix: corrupt score data in forfeited matches
* support for latest quake live update (new scores commands, duel score backup for forfeits, cg_drawTieredArmorAvailability, pql new max ammo values, scoreboard messages)
* quake live's 'denied' global team sound
* cg_audioAnnouncerRoundReward to enable/disable end of round 'perfect' or 'denied' announcements
* fx bug fix: moving emitters weren't updating origin
new version here:
Edited by brugal at 22:41 CDT, 11 July 2013 - 184525 Hits