takes practice, the best way to go is with patience and a lot of strafing, feels almost like railing at close range, only your looking to +f a second before the shot..most of the time 1 full shotgun at pointblank does more then 2 at close range, so just be patient and pummle him with your shot gun for the kill :p
It doesn't feel to me like railing at all. Is it just animation or does sg have some delay?
When I try flicking like close range rail I can't hit anything.
Since closed subsets of a compact space are compact, every subset of a compact space is relatively compact. In the case of a metric topology, or more generally when sequences may be used to test for compactness, the criterion for relative compactness becomes that any sequence in Y has a subsequence convergent in X. Such a subset may also be called relatively bounded, or pre-compact, although the latter term is also used for a totally bounded subset.
Is rail and lg client side and all other weapons server side? if it is then imo sg and mg should be client side because they are instant weapons just like lg/rail.
the most irritating thing about the SG is when you fire it point blank at some lucky fuck and he escapes unharmed from behind an invisible armor of ping, with all of the SG pellet impact marks appearing perfectly in mid air
happens on the stairs of ra platform on dreadful place, also happens on the stairs and edges around the water teleport on dm20.
I'd rage quit if it happened on ra jumppad on dm6 :D
The shotgun feels terrible when your ping is high; try to fix it, if possible, and you will see improvement for sure.
Personal experience; try to play offline, and you will be able to see if it's a problem of technique or a ping one.
So you have no issues with your LG, RG, or RL control play -- because of course you have mastered these bread and butter weps...but the major issue in your game is the blanket damage blind-fire SG and it's insurmountable complexity?