Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 1 July 2025 to 11:30 CDT, 1 July 2025In the previous edition, GaRpY and Evil faced each other in an intense and probably longest final in zotac history. Vod and demo from one of their matches is available for your viewing pleasure.
Players of all skill levels are encouraged to pursue the 100€ prize. Eastern European forces are signed up and ready, including pavel, evil, and agent. Contenders from other countries include dem0n, guard, baksteen and last but not least mc_vagina.
VOD: Some incomplete duels by Slowbi, LevelupTV, Finals by Fi
Links: Tournament page + Streams + Brackets, #zotac.qlive // HoF
Edited by Anhedonique at 06:08 CDT, 2 July 2012 - 20209 Hits