My idea is that ESR hosts a fun online q4 duel cup (hopefully with prize money) that involves 2 of the major current ESR trolls, who back up their claims on Quake4: shadowmaster155 and GOD OF WAR sanchez.
To spice things up, "we" can invite known quake4 players such as toxjq, cooller, ani (as he defeated shadowmaster), 2gd, Jamerio and others up to 4-8 players.
First things first:
- Would anyone watch this?
- Is leveluptv, GDStudio or any other interested in streaming this prestigious event?
- Is there any Quake4 tournament still running?
- Who are the current best Quake4 players so we can invite them?
Feel free to contribute, and I'll gladly participate as an organizer.
Edited by megaman3 at 16:09 CDT, 20 June 2012 - 11567 Hits