In Russia there was a system for Russian players 1х1 which allows to play tournament on equal on a network.
Tournament on equal it:
1 Equal pings.
2 Equal ELO a rating. The maximum difference of 100 points among participants.
For equal pings players choose server, then the remained difference players del with special program QuakeLag.
Equal rating forame chances to win tournament. After tournament the rating of the player varies, approximately just as on qlranks. But the system conducts a rating independently irrespective of qlranks. In system ping does not influence a rating, and in qlranks influences.
Thus it is fair system for competitions. In sustem does not win player who more close to a server. In system can win absolutely everybody.
The system reflected for this purpose that 95 % of all players in quakelive could participate in tournament where they has chances to win. Where opponents steal up automatically.
From 2000 year 95 % of players did not participate in tournaments. Fore some reasons.
- Too strong players on tournament.
- Different pings.
- Play too little to participate.
Now in system there are no all 3 reasons.
- Equal ELo
- Equal pings
- It is not necessary to play much, because all opponents are equal to you on ELO.
Maximum ping for participation in system 70. The Maximum quantity of players in tournament 6-8. All play bo1 on circular system. These are 5-7 games for tournament duration 1.5-2 hours in sunday.
Circular system, for this purpose that the player did not take off after 1-2 defeats from a grid.
Many players do not understand what for this system is necessary. According to 9 from 10 :)
Having understood a problem it has been found out why:
1 Small age.
2 Low ELO rating.
3 High ELO rating.
4 Latent cheater.
1. There are players which recently install QuakeLive do not know anything about this game and do not understand what for are necessary equal pings, that such ELO and so on.
2. Low ELO 900-1350 It is those beginners at forums. Do not understand in general anything. They play only FFA or CA. they do not concern 1x1 players. System not for them :)
3. 1700-2100. There are those who is registered in system at once, but generally half from them pingcheaters and they think out the different ridiculous reasons not to be registered in system. If they play on equal pings their rating has fallen to 1400.
4. Simply pingcheaters :) They differ magnificent dullness. They try to convince that ping does not influence shooting. They say that player has got used to play with high ping etc.
I suspect that at this forum too such is :)
Therefore I will write an example which proves that you cant habit to ping.
Let's admit play 2 persons with ping 70. One all time wins.
The player which lost has replaced ping on 5 and began to win against whom 70.
Why the player with 70 began to lose? You say he habit to 70?
I wish to tell once again that system only for Russian players 1х1.
I wrote there to share experience and to inform that 90 % of players at forums are noobs.
And for reason that this system - more better than battle.net because of equal ELO and pings =). And much more that QuakeLive system.
Ок if someone wishes to argue with me at once write the ELO. If it < 1400, fuck off.
In Russia there was a system for Russian players 1х1 which allows to play tournament on equal on a network.
Tournament on equal it:
1 Equal pings.
2 Equal ELO a rating. The maximum difference of 100 points among participants.
For equal pings players choose server, then the remained difference players del with special program QuakeLag.
Equal rating forame chances to win tournament. After tournament the rating of the player varies, approximately just as on qlranks. But the system conducts a rating independently irrespective of qlranks. In system ping does not influence a rating, and in qlranks influences.
Thus it is fair system for competitions. In sustem does not win player who more close to a server. In system can win absolutely everybody.
The system reflected for this purpose that 95 % of all players in quakelive could participate in tournament where they has chances to win. Where opponents steal up automatically.
From 2000 year 95 % of players did not participate in tournaments. Fore some reasons.
- Too strong players on tournament.
- Different pings.
- Play too little to participate.
Now in system there are no all 3 reasons.
- Equal ELo
- Equal pings
- It is not necessary to play much, because all opponents are equal to you on ELO.
Maximum ping for participation in system 70. The Maximum quantity of players in tournament 6-8. All play bo1 on circular system. These are 5-7 games for tournament duration 1.5-2 hours in sunday.
Circular system, for this purpose that the player did not take off after 1-2 defeats from a grid.
Many players do not understand what for this system is necessary. According to 9 from 10 :)
Having understood a problem it has been found out why:
1 Small age.
2 Low ELO rating.
3 High ELO rating.
4 Latent cheater.
1. There are players which recently install QuakeLive do not know anything about this game and do not understand what for are necessary equal pings, that such ELO and so on.
2. Low ELO 900-1350 It is those beginners at forums. Do not understand in general anything. They play only FFA or CA. they do not concern 1x1 players. System not for them :)
3. 1700-2100. There are those who is registered in system at once, but generally half from them pingcheaters and they think out the different ridiculous reasons not to be registered in system. If they play on equal pings their rating has fallen to 1400.
4. Simply pingcheaters :) They differ magnificent dullness. They try to convince that ping does not influence shooting. They say that player has got used to play with high ping etc.
I suspect that at this forum too such is :)
Therefore I will write an example which proves that you cant habit to ping.
Let's admit play 2 persons with ping 70. One all time wins.
The player which lost has replaced ping on 5 and began to win against whom 70.
Why the player with 70 began to lose? You say he habit to 70?
I wish to tell once again that system only for Russian players 1х1.
I wrote there to share experience and to inform that 90 % of players at forums are noobs.
And for reason that this system - more better than battle.net because of equal ELO and pings =). And much more that QuakeLive system.
Ок if someone wishes to argue with me at once write the ELO. If it < 1400, fuck off.
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