Q3 ReLoaDeD 3v3 Noghost Cup is continuing with the group stage matches. Next week will be the last week of the group stage in which teams will play 2 matches. Here are the group stage match scores thus far:
2 - n0s vs imp - 0
2 - RP vs s1d - 0
2 - RP vs n0s - 0
2 - Uc vs ef - 0
2 - Uc vs DC - 1
2 - s2k vs m0m - 0
2 - inc vs ZG - 0
2 - FC vs m0m - 0
2 - Hell vs LoVe - 0
2 - Syn vs HeLL - 1
3 - Syn v os - 1
The cup matches and their times are posted on RLDD facebook page.
Join us on Facebook to follow the RLDD cup
96 - The number of players participating theRLDD 3v3 Noghost Cup
299 - The number of registered users on RLDD forum
116 - The number of Memorial pages prepared so far.
36 - Total number of RLDD staff
104 - The number of likes the RLDD Facebook page had in 4 weeks
4778 - The number of visitors to rlddtv page in 2 weeks
727 - The highest number of video plays on rlddtv in 1 day
46 - The highest number of people watching rlddtv during a match time
17 - The lowest number of people watching rlddtv during a match time
1530 - The number of chat messages sent on rlddtv channel on 19th of July
1432 - The number of people by which RLDD facebook page has been seen this week
49 - Number of people talking about RLDD on facebook this week
1064 - The number of clicks to RLDD Noghost Cup Teaser on Youtube.
3437 - The number of hits to RLDD Cup Announcement on esreality.com
246 - The highest number of visitors to RLDD forum after the cup has started
120 - The lowest number of visitors to RLDD forum after the cup has started
119 - The number of people who registered RLDD forum after the RLDD NoGhost Cup has been announced
Edited by q3reloaded.com at 03:55 CDT, 22 July 2012 - 14826 Hits