It's true though, it's basically recycling quake3 and selling it again, and now its also being done in an annoying way. BTW, i have premium, I enjoy playing all the maps (where more like 10+-).
public games in dota doesnt compere compeditivly to whats going on in ql. you need to play on good maps, otherwise the game isnt gonna be good.
in pubs in dota and its copies u can play a mode and get a selection of 3 out of 100 heroes and still get a game. obviously, to a serious player its gonna be a shitty game, but for the average pubber its all the same.
I'm level 15 in LoL and I do care about Champs, read guides to them and only buy champions I want to play, other champions on the free rotation I don't even touch.
Also tier1-2 casuals make most of QL, You sure about that? This would actually be great since then we would have enough lowskill players to make the game appealing to newcomers. Well what I see on duel and CA servers is few newbs getting stomped by players who play the game for several years or even longer. With QL's ranking system most of the playerbase chills in tier3 or 4.
i've just about had it. it's too bad, i still love Quake. Been playing for too long to abandon it, but at some point I think i'm going to just completely erase if from my memory. Starting Starcraft soon and am hyped. Should've never held out hope for QL. Sync and his buddies don't know what they're doing.
i'll be playign terran. In fact, I've already started reading guides and watching terran players on stream even though I obviously don't know half of what's going on.
It's up there. I'd say Diamond is considered "high", though. Best of the best players in Masters and Grandmasters. I might be Diamond level, but I don't play enough to get promoted quickly. Anyway, if you're interested in any help let me know.
so is the game worth playing? Stil havent tried it, I've seen strenx and avek or i dunno who play some teammode on utube, i was drooling bigtime like some mad pussy was sitting on my mouth, xept for the fact i fell asleep.
its definetly more fun than it looks on the streams and vods. i wanted to play 15 minutes the first time and stayed 3 hours. not at revoltionary game, but it can be fun. it has a disney and sports game touch, tron modells and all is shiny. try it.
I'm raging like a Pole in 1.16.You don't get paying customers in premium f2p by removing options, only with adding to experience (reasonably) for subscribers. EVERY succesfull f2p game shows that's true. Fuck that map voting shit. And I'm stuck with this bullshit for two months untill I can buy subscription. NOT COOL