Failure of pc R4ge launch and how and why driver issues happened.
Also that the expectance of the buyers was for it to be more like fallout (due to bathesda/zenimax) which the company failed to show otherwise, which lead to some sad reactions.
How important coding standards are and why people should all code in similar ways.
That JC learned a lot of things in the past year about coding although not about the actual act of coding for himself but for setting up projects that involve that multiple people all work on a project and how that all works out.
Focussing on doom4 and what the main graphical advance will be (something with altering geometry calculations/interactions.
Doom3 BFG edition.
space adventures on armadillo and his lack of presence but still fairly large influence there.
The advantage of fast displays (high refreshrate and low response time).
How stupid the whole 3D glasses industry is and how sad their advancements have been over the past 20 years. And how JC pwnz their asses in 3 months with a bit of glue, ducktape, rocket science code etc.
3D glasses and solving problems related to that (especially 'how do you know keep track of the rotation/possition of the head (for which he ended up using his own code from armadillo aerospace used to read out gyroscopes)).
Advantages of several different hardware layouts both from programming standpoint as human interpretation etc.
Kind a lot of 3D latency issues which fuck up how the 'reality feels' and how he partially solved this by extrapolating head movements and using different hardware for different problems etc.
Graphical advancements have gone beyond what 'normal users' can differ between and therefor will grow less usefull and the global enhancements will come from increasing speed (more frames per second and combined with faster displays).
The main advancements in gaming will come from input/output device changes. Aka his 3d glasses which will sell at around 300$ and out own every other device out there. Even devices worth more than 50.000$ get their ass kicked by JC's code/hardware setup.
That mega-texturing is F*CKING AWESOME for 3D as you can 'almost infinitely' increase detail and therefor you can keep walking up to objects and really feel like the ground is made up of sand pebbles (from R4ge).
Then he goes on to talk about how his device should actually be tons better and what all negative aspects are and how he knows to fix this but hardware manufacturers are being slow / stupid / etc.
How to write code for the 3d glasses which is still somewhat unsure because he used code that isn't open source yet which is also a problem for the D3BFG edition as most mods which work on D3 will prolly need to have access to parts of the undisclosed code as well (etc.)
Next to that he also talked a bit about how post-processing of monitors/tv's is fubar for games and how he wished that designers of tv's would allow for ways to skip post-processing.
He bought a seriously high FPS camera to put on his own screen so that he can look back what is happening on there in slowmotion and compare latency caused by devices etc.
There was something about how polygons will stick around for a long time because ray-tracing (although the nicer technique) is too intensive for the current architecture of gpu/cpu's.
I've prolly skipped a few things but that's about it.
now that you mention it I think that he does make a small note of that. But (iirc) it's mainly because their (id's) focus within bathesda/zenimax is the development of high ranking AAA titles.