Highest rated demos:
czm -vs- quakecon 2012 (9.8 rating)
Most downloaded demos:
czm -vs- quakecon 2012 (237 downloads)
dM-z -vs- easted (31 downloads)
dM-z -vs- seriouS (21 downloads)
dM-z -vs- iG (15 downloads)
dM-z -vs- easted (13 downloads)
Most read threads:
QuakeCon Day 3 (18456 hits)
Crash.wmv (5117 hits)
QuakeCon 2012 Duel Masters Demos (4601 hits)
The PA Report interviews Tim Willits (4128 hits)
Try to guess 2GD's Reborn Secret Coder (3052 hits)
Most commented threads:
QuakeCon Day 3 (661 comments) by xou
The PA Report interviews Tim Willits (233 comments) by wn
Try to guess 2GD's Reborn Secret Coder (138 comments) by Zulphrr
QuakeCon 2012 Duel Masters Demos (122 comments) by SyncError
Cooller (111 comments) by Legless
Most Popular Users:
nicerdicer (96% popular)
SyncError (95% popular)
wotan (94% popular)
Memento_Mori (94% popular)
ShadyAK (90% popular)
Most Popular Threads:
czm -vs- quakecon 2012 (79% popular) by czm
QuakeCon 2012 Duel Masters Demos (78% popular) by SyncError
My first Quakecon (68% popular) by Memento_Mori
Cooller (55% popular) by Legless
Crash.wmv (52% popular) by Zulphrr
Most Popular Comments:
Re: Try to guess 2GD's Reborn Secret Cod (50% popular) by sharpe
VoDs! (42% popular) by QuakeLiveDemos
Re: Try to guess 2GD's Reborn Secret Cod (39% popular) by lukee
Re: QuakeCon Day 3 (37% popular) by ipx!
Re: I got my computer back (35% popular) by Rauvz
Popularity Climbers:
SyncError (74 +'s)
wotan (59 +'s)
ShadyAK (47 +'s)
Memento_Mori (46 +'s)
czm (37 +'s)
Most Popular Captions:
Re: DSC_0489.JPG (6% popular) by exp!
Re: DSC_0311.JPG (5% popular) by jetro
Re: DSC_0316.JPG (0% popular) by nex1
Re: DSC_0318.JPG (0% popular) by nex1
Re: DSC_0710.JPG (0% popular) by exp!
Betting leader:
Daddy_ (E$9,143)
hghg (E$5,560)
tweenz (E$4,372)
GreenMeanie (E$3,154)
xou (E$2,373)
Biggest single bets:
E$4,146 won by kK_Storm (Quakecon - DaHanG vs Cypher)
E$1,765 won by inzov (Quakecon - DaHanG vs Cypher)
E$1,716 won by ulrich (Quakecon - DaHanG vs Cypher)
E$1,460 won by n0Ns (Quakecon - DaHanG vs Cypher)
E$1,420 won by T1E (Quakecon - DaHanG vs Cypher)
Most lost:
E$2,429 lost by ChillOut
E$1,767 lost by Shardik
E$1,307 lost by Dav
E$679 lost by intotherain
E$670 lost by xou
07 Aug: My first Quakecon by Memento_Mori
10 Aug: Strategy Blog Covering Basics and Gaming by wokyen
06 Aug: Painkiller HD beta - a new hope? by mouse*
2959 Hits