As announced in the forum earlier today, Kevin "strenx" Baeza is launching a streaming project over at that will include Quake Live lessons, show matches and tournaments. For the latter, a donation campaign has started.
I believe in separation of powers, on top of that hes a player trying to stay relevant on the fps scene no matter what, i wont donate for his project. He whines too much and he recently boycotted Dreamhack to play Shootmania.
I wish him best of luck and may time prove me wrong, cause in the end i really want quake to succeed. But we need poeple with bigger brains and smaller mouths than him for this kind of role.
I watched some of his vod where he was dueling on aerowalk and talking vaguely about what he's thinking and doing, I would like to see more of that. I'm not sure about his motives for this, I honestly thought he'd pretty much dropped QL and moved onto shootmania full time. If he's serious about putting on some tournaments and giving some lessons ect. then that's great, as funny as his shit talk used to be though I'd like him to take this at least a little bit seriously and not just go on 30 minute rants about ping when pavel joins the server.
Go, Kev, go!
Even your rants are entertaining to watch. I've enjoyed every second of that early morning stream.
Wish you do what you're aimed for and more.
Try to bring pro's remotely commentating your future tourney streams (rapher, the physicist, AV3000:)), 'cause along with your funny commentating it will be a bomb! 'cause everyone enjoyed those rare moments when you were commentating on some major events back in the days.
Don't lose this a little bit 'childish' ranting mood on air (which everyone loves to watch), it really differs your comments from every other QL streamer out there and makes watching YOUR streams immensely enjoyable.
Just watching some of the stream recordings, much fun ("Ok, I feel good now").
Also, when applying for a lesson, keep in mind that you're getting to know the map textures very well. Being up and close to them while he's mopping the floor with you :)
he claims his comment is beyond (think he meant beneath, judging by first part of his post), allowing him to understand it would mean hes logically retarded (by his standards.)
he doenst understand it and are still judging makes him retart.
What he's saying is in any type of sport or field if there's no trash talk or hype the match is boring. Players like rapha, k1llsen are really friendly and nice but if all players were like them the game would be very boring. Players like strenx bring a trash talk / not afraid aspect which makes quake matches fun to watch.
But you see gSTRUCTOR you need different personalities to make a sport interesting to a casual spectator. Like strenx being the whiny over-confident player; zero4 being the cockiest motherfucker alive; rapha being quiet and reserved etc.
A webcam showing him and his monitor while playing the tourney is a must, i mean being an online hero and stopping right when id implemented anti chit raised some eyebrows, mine included... Just saying...
He didnt even took place in the last zotac which was played recently, and now this? Lets see how long he keeps pouring 100 euros into this tournaments if he doesnt wins. Its cool to bait 100 euros and get them back plus the rest of the donated money ;)
And Memento you supporting this made me sad, a player shits all over quake and then comes back some time after with 100 euros and everything is fine? Quake > Money
"He has a serious potential and he really can win a serious tournament if some things fit in nicely for him. So probably this year he'll finally become top1. "
"Yeah, during practice matches he is imba, but in serious matches he is different."
"It's more important how you perform at the tournament, it's a different matter and requires a different set of abilities."
If I were to criticize Strenx, I would say he is too impatient and prefers to rush things instead of waiting for a careful plan. This does not mean he cannot get things done (in fact, his attitude works in many cases) but that he may face much more opposition than he could if he were to do things with more planning.
As for him joining the Shootmania wagon, I don't see it as bad as you. That game is not for me, and I don't game for money (nor I could), but if someone wants to go and do easy money using skills he earned with Quake, he should be free to do it.
Overall, this costed us a Dreamhack, and it's a shame, but if the guy now wants to stream quake, give lessons, or even organize tournaments, he is more than welcome. In fact, should the others who went the Shootmania way come back, I'd be even happier.
Edited by Memento_Mori at 03:12 CDT, 15 August 2012
This is actually smart for strenx to put up the money for a tournament online because when he wins, he can just recycle that $100 each fucking week.
it basically comes down to who can own strenx in the finals to get his money, sort of a fatal1ty frag event, except strenx plays the whole tournament to try to get back to the finals each week.
this would be quite entertaining and a smart move.
what would be more hilarious is rapha doing this in NA, because he would only have to worry about dahang stealing his cash, or maybe dahang would put that money back up each week even if he won
i like his idear. Dont know why so many poeple talk shit about strenx. Ok he talk many shit on servers or somthing. But shit happens, he want help quake alive(dont know its right :D, hope u understand me :D ). And this is my oppinion, quakers gona help quakers, cups, tournaments ect. Thats a good idear i think.
Everytime I watch strenx play, I get inspired to play with low sens in quake as I do in other games( sense 2 acc0.15@ms3.0).
Then I play a couple of duel with great aim but realize my movement is completely destroyed and I rage. I then go back to regular good movement sense (sens4acc0.75) and my aim and movement is destroyed. Strenx is trolling me with his good low sense play!
"good low sense play"???
What the hell are you talking about?
In every lan he partecipated, it was possible to create a fragmovie just with his moving errors, hitting corners and missing rocket jumps....
By the way, only his hitscan aim is good, with rockets/plasma/grenades he is one of the worst
"im getting more and more annoyed with ppl ignorance on this site..."
so, why do you add ignorance to this site?
Aniway its funny, because these are the levels of noctions of the major part of the peoples that tries to defend strenx....
"his bad rockets are result of playing with low sensitivity?"
And this is exactly what i was saying, that his low sensitivity makes all the non-hitscan weapons weaker; but, aniway, he wouldn't be good with rockets/plasma etc. not even if he would use more commons sensitivities: he specialised in that direction because that was the best balance possible for him, between the hitscan and the non hitscan: changing his "playstyle" would only make him playing worse, and from that you can understand why he wasn't so difficult for him to go to simplemania: he knew that he couldn't really improve in quake.
My personal opinion is, that the focus of Strenx should be in catering the lower skill players by combining lessons, fun events, and content creation where Quake is explained and made more accessible. The money could be used in smart ways as incentive to participate.
Edited by Memento_Mori at 11:02 CDT, 15 August 2012
He annonunces the stream and some days laters dissapears without notice, hahahahaha. I suppose a short message here and in the stream channel would had been too much work for him jetro!
Anyway we should be grateful and dont ask questions or criticize him hahahaha.
He said in that stream that'd he'd be start streaming regularly somewhat later, beginning September I believe it was.
Besides that, I've actually gone through that entire 5 hour recording, and it's kind of astonishing how little "pro" some pros really are. There's dudes he's playing online trying not to get smashed and maybe take a couple of frags off him - something they'll may be bragging about the rest of their entire lives - and to him it's all "boring camp camp camp" one shouldn't be allowed to be doing at "2am".
Man. If you're playing on public servers allowing ppl to check on their skill, just pls give them a little leeway, love and patience too. Ok?
Kevin "Strenx" Baeza
At gamescom at the moment, to keep people informed, I will wait some weeks for the donations, cause of stream conditions and good connection to stream with. Then, when everything is made, we can start to schedule good tournaments. It is better to be patient and show good tournaments instead of rushing. Thank you for supporting by the way, you guys are awesome. =p
Damn dude, your hate for strenx is weird. Did he cheat on you or something?
Its not only that and you know it. I myself have played many singleplayer and a handful of mp ones in the last years. In my opinion people that appreciate you doesnt try to make your ego even bigger, moreso when youre already a pretty cocky player to begin with.
"to someone who helps"?
He is the worst kind of player possible, all aim, no brain, all whiny, totally unfair; he leaved quake to simplemania when he realised he couldn't win anything serious, and to gain money, and he leaved slowmania just when he realised that he couldn't be the strongest neither there, and when the moneys runned out;
Additionally, he is the most unreliable people ever to which entrust moneys or organization power, and he has been a bitch against the major part of the pro players around, and mostly against the best, without real resons;
Lastly, he "organized" a tourney in which he is the strongest player and the one with the major probability to win, and so to grab all the moneys, what a surprise!
I think he will be back regularly - Sh*tmania is dying and on the way to follow Brink quite soon I think. I'm not particularly interested in the game especially after trying it, but I notice the stream viewer numbers are generally very low now compared to a few months ago... So I imagine strenx will be back to QL quite soon :D
I agree the stream made me laugh alot :D It is interesting to see him play from exactly his view pint but his raging is very funny too. Immitating cooller was also funny...
One of his first streams was on Silence and he was trying to learn the map then he says: "Ah! zere iz ze shaft! Ok I know zis map now lets play!"
I'm happy to see more quake players streaming...I would love to see more players doing this. Even if they're just streaming practice games or something, it would be pretty badass. =)