Jamerio depends entirely on an editable and deletable comment-based system to survive any argument. In a real-time scenario he would just own himself every 5 seconds and be unable to do anything about it. That's why he hates IRC.
TBH, ESR is still beating all the sites I visit regularly in the terms of functionality. So no radical changes is needed, just polishing of some rough edges required.
yeah but there is no connection with a topic and thje irc channel. imagine u browse through esr and you can talk to some people in the quakelive forum chat about it would be cool
esr is all useless crap these days. the only difference is someone would waste time making the thing. webirc is fine for the faggots who can't get enough of facebook chat
No it wont, if a thread gets taken over by two people its because the thread it crap to begin with and does not have enough content to generate enough debate to drown out the rest.
good threads are genuinely on topic, plus you can always ignore users.
I have never put anyone on ignore, so I honestly do not know how it works 100%, but from what i understand, it does its job, someone also wrote a firefox script that gets rid of the big gaps too.
alright i ignored you the bad thing is that every answer u receive is logically removed aswell which means i might miss a lot of the other people responding to you.
i love esr for the useless crap. i come here for the poles raging and weirdos spamming nonsense. you never know when you will come across an absurd one-liner that makes your day. the most popular thread made no sense to begin with and managed to get even worse ffs.
ESR is we meat again, entry 36 and cooller best player ever
Its probably just one of the old burnouts on an alias.
Asking him to define his alias from more than two months ago returns nothing but avoidance, yet he averages 5oo posts a month and talks about quake 1, the alias is different, but the same weak arguments and resentment are familiar. That will work against your average guy, but not me. He knows it, and I know it.
Becks, having a booming popularity, disappeared around March 2011, and came back about a year later to give an update and say where he has been going: he, after being ashamed of his countless defeats against Jamerio, he took the easy way out and got promoted higher up the hierarchy in his company, and was more in charge on a project within document control from the profitable oil & gas sector, bought a nice flat in the centre of the city and a nice car (what a cunt and loser, rite?) and rumours have it that he cries himself to sleep thinking of esreality and repeating "If only... I could have beaten Jamerio"
P sure sonic is doing allright for himself too (he can be seen here once in a while).
considered it, but how would you want it to work exactly? it would basically be a more real-time version of the current iMsg thing, but would require roaster management, such that we shouldn't allow people to spam other people, as Jamerio/wotan have done about, it will be horrible in real-time...
we can use the buddy-system, but still, i don't know if anyone would really use it. how often do people use iMsg, and would real-time chat through the site dilute the content of the comments?
if you had an admin team that were qualified for the job you would not have this problem.
There are several threads where "admins" have approved DOZENS of embedded troll images from wotan and I am talking 30+ seemingly encouraging the so called problems, you cant have it both ways as there are tons of threads of you trolling in threads too and you are supposed to be head admin, but im sure its different when you do it because you can abuse a bit of php.
Yeah, will most likely kill the posting, and besides i hate trying to follow a discussion when there are 20 monkeys spamming random shit. With the amount of trolls here i think a chat would be a bad idea.