Name: Bartosz
Location: Wroclaw
Posts: 542
Location: Wroclaw
Posts: 542
I remember that over 10 years ago i played my first Quake 1 game ever in my school. Even if i played using only keyboard (yes, only forward, back, jump and turn left/right, no look up/down) i was stunned. We scream all over the class like "Die you fucker !". Rockets was flying thought map and the gibs fountains was great. It was amazing !
Do you remember you first Quake 3 matches. Do you remember you fist tourney? Do you remember the firs league when you take last place but it was still amazing experience ? There is a chance to get all of those great memories back. A chance to fell the rush again. Rush for the frags, rush for the kill, rush for the win !
But let's face it: all of today's games are cluster fuck of bullshit. The only thing that game companies want is money. We see all of this since lasy 6 years ! And every single one motherfucker from those companies lie. They are all liars. Fresh example: Tribes Ascend Drama. With the completely fucked up Quake 4 from the start, completely fucked up Unreal Tournament III, releasing another and another completely fucked up Painkiller games/addons and other completely fucked up games like Shitmania, no one have hope for something that can be worth playing after Quake Live. And speaking of QL : it was by far the worse management project in the history. From the terrible decision about "lite things are important for fuck sake !"(c)AL|EN, followed by removing anti-cheat to making the worst premium system ever. Do i mention about lack of own dedicated servers, community maps, GTV, and million of other things? How it survived so long ? It has some great moments but QL It could be a lot better !!
Until some time ago, no one ever dreamed about a FPS game with isn't created by some people who will put the "esports" in the description of it, without having a clue about what esport really is. And what true skill is. But now we have something, that no one ever try to create: a true esports focused FPS game done by people who know everything about it. Know about what things are important , know why other games failed and know that skilled FPS game doesn't have A BUILD-IN AUTO AIM !!
Yes, it's REBORN. A game that we all waiting for.
2GD, fox and fazz are by far one of the best people ho can lead this ship. But does a ship can make a safe journey across the world without the crew ? No. So it is the right time ! Right time for showing you support ! If you even think about:
- creating a local/online LAN party/tourney
- creating a local portal for the upcoming community (beware: never ever try to create another one, competitive and hostile portal)
- creating a map
- creating a player model or skin
- creating a funny movie that will show "LoL" players why FPS games like Quake/REBORN are PRO and makes YOU FEEL LIKE PRO !
- creating something else that can help upcoming community
- give a sponsorship/money/hardware/other
or other things that you have on you mind since forever, i tell you: IT IS THE RIGHT TIME TO START PREPARATION !!
Some part of Polish community already take some necessary step to prepare ground for the upcoming REBORN game. I myself will create a best documentation ever. It will cover all of advanced options, tricks with config, simple scripts etc. I will do my best to help this upcoming community to grow.
Why do all of this ? I want to play a decent FPS game again, i want to play with great community again, i want to play with upcoming new generation of young FPS stars, i want to play some 6 division duel league and see over 30 clan for every division like quake 3 has in the times of glory and i want to go to the LAN party and play play play ! And i want to see amazing games again. Those who keep you stand still when you watch it.
Maybe it's to early to cherry for this project. But as 2GD say: "fuck the right time...".
Now is the right time !
Edited by AL|EN at 10:24 CDT, 20 August 2012 - 6514 Hits