Schedule: Passed
Well the time has come the Blood Run is in da house!! So grab your Rocket Launcher and your Rail Gun, and lets see some oldschool vs newschool fragging. Just a REMINDER it is on a Thursday !!!
This event starts at 20:00 CDT with check-in starting at 19:00 CDT, and is first-come first-serve, anyone who checks in will get to play we will just increase the bracket size.
Anyone who doesn't have premium or pro don't worry we can spawn a server for you and your opponent if neither of you have it! I would prefer to see all matches played on private servers with passwords in order to not have any disruptions!
Hope to see you all sign up!
Stream: Targetquake_tv
Links: Event Info, Sign-up, VODs, Demos ||

Edited by wn at 17:01 CDT, 26 August 2012 - 15733 Hits