Ok gotcha. The items of the hud are easy enough to move around. In the link Lorfa gave it will explain it. Here's another site that's a bit more straight forward: http://rfactory.org/huditem.html
If you're looking at huds that use the old q3 font, I think most (if not all) of them use separate files for hp/ammo/armor. To move those around, open the file (I like wordpad) and you'll see something like this near the top:
name "hpValueAltFont"
rect 253 439 140 40
visible 1
The two bold numbers are the x/y coordinates of the numbers. Smaller values move things up and left, larger values down and right. The hud is based on a 640x480 grid I believe. Now, you have rect values for each itemdef (number) of the hp/ammo/armor as well, you can use those to change say the spacing between the numbers if you like. Editing a hud using the q3 font is tedious, will using a lot of find/replace (in wordpad). To view changes, use /loadhud. Go to window mode to edit the menu file, save, then go back to game.
As for the timer, I don't know, you'd have to ask Sync. Same reason why you can use colorRange for hp/ammo/armor (to change color of numbers depending on value), but you can't for other things, like the speedometer for instance. Just the way the hud is coded. Or maybe I don't know how to do it. I've tried in the past just to see if it would work and it never did.
Edited by function9 at 23:24 CDT, 4 September 2012
your fix is easy, just take the clock settings from the one you want and replace it in yous
if you want to change around the actual "3wave" hp/armor/ammo, that is much harder since each digit is drawn individually and takes thousands of lines. it's better to search on qlhud.core and take someone else's work.
if you want a CPMA font for your clock / ammobar like http://qlhud.core.ws/id/fYt9sD then add this to your main .menu or in one of them
Luckily nowdays you can find plenty of people's HUDs with this font already and you would be better off copying one of them. As someone who had to rewrite and recode that font from scratch when qlive HUDs were new, I can tell you its the most repetitively boring process I've ever had to do.