Here is the information the majority of you have been waiting for!
The minimum tournament prize pot for both duel and TDM has been confirmed as £7,000 with a split of £3,000 and £4,000 respectively. Further breakdown of how this will be for the eventual winners can be found below. These figures are based on both tournaments reach a minimum number of players; 16 players for duel, 10 teams for TDM.
* Prize pot subject to increase
120Hz monitors you say? This section of the news was supposed to be filled in with “120 Hz are 100% confirmed!” but the confirmation has not been signed off yet. I’m told we’ll be getting this confirmed next week. You can make of that what you will, but we’re confident you will be playing on 120Hz monitors at the event.
The TDM team jerseys have been withdrawn as not many teams have expressed an interest in having these. For teams (or even individual players) who are interested in having a simple jersey, we can still arrange this for you at a cost.
Every captain of every TDM team who signs up for the TDM tourney until next Sunday (16th of September) gets 5 votes, which will be presented to ins (by iMSG,
#adroits.quake or wait for him to contact you).
The 5 most voted maps after Sunday will be the final maps for Adroits Quake Live Nations TDM tournament.
Maps available for voting:
Deep Inside
Dreadful Place
Grim Dungeons
Hidden Fortress
Realm of Steel Rats
1st Place: £2,000
2nd Place: £1,100
3rd Place: £600
4th Place: £300
1st Place: £1,500
2nd Place: £750
3rd Place: £500
4th Place: £250
All teams and players must sign up and pay before 17:59 CDT, 7 October 2012!
The next duel points cup is coming up this Thursday, so make sure to sign up for that to earn points and potentially win free entry to the tournament. Twister is currently leading the pack with 70 points! Cup information can be found
Links: Event website //
#adroits.quake say AWESOME!