Name: Borislav
Location: Zagreb
Posts: 696
From the 34 signed up clans I'm going to try and do a coherent guide to top clans contending for a spot in this season EuroCup XXVI.
Mind you the list of clans this season is rather small and a maybe almost half of clans signed up should well be above requirements we think there are for playing in EuroCup.
From 34 signed up clans 8 maybe getting a direct invite, and up to 8 clans will battle out to determine clans that will qualify for this season top most TDM Cup, as I've gathered so far.
We should start from the most obvious 5 choices for clans that would get a direct invite based on their skill teamplay and legacy.

With 5 places for direct invites filled I would turn to what teams do we see as confirming their skill by playing and being active. Sadly not many, expecting a direct invite having personal lives and no time some of these teams are lacking in active preparation for this season. Team i'm talking about are sitto, aCtion, Unknown and maybe even play lately. With almost no games logged and serious change to map pool this season we can expect some holes in map knowledge and teamplay from these teams. But I asure you it won't be long lasting, we are talking about some of the most experienced players around, who only need a few instances and games to adapt to new maps and tactics. Unlike deliberate murder which showcased a match and can be considered one of top clans by activity, most other clans are most likely waiting for invites and a week before EC to put in some game time and prepare for this season properly. This however does not apply for all teams I've considered for this season, nor does it mean that there won't be some upsets based on changes in map pool.

Let's focus now on the remaining 3 spots for direct invites and remaining 11 teams wanting for the spots. We will first cover teams we have from previous EC season which you'd expect to get a direct invite. With disbandment of top teams like 4Kings and nEu you'd expect more room for new teams. But we've got 4 old teams and 3 spots left. When we count in newer teams we get quite a conundrum.

Given the benefit of experience I have a feeling that between 4 clans listed, remaining 3 spots could be filled but it wouldn't be a satisfactory solution for the scene. There are 7 more clans here to consider and this is where things get complicated. Not a lot of practice by teams that I've mentioned above is contrasted by a lot of practice by newcomer teams as well as some lower tier teams on the rise. Also there is a lot more to consider about a clan than their Cb past exclusively. I consider important noticing other results and leagues as well as lineups playing those matches.
Next I will list clans with very talented palyers biting at 4 teams I meantioned before and grabbing at those 3 slots with very valid reasons I think.

Last 3 clans I'm going to cover in this column are: Team evolution, Gentlemen Club and planB. I find these clans what most clans we see now in EC were.

This column is nothing but a rant and a way to get out the knowledge I've gathered about clans and what I think of them based on sign ups for this years CB EC XXVI season. I might be horribly wrong about some teams, or I might be right on spot, There is so much more to be written about them, and I simply can't do it like I've done this in one breath.
I've set 5 teams I think should get direct invites for this EuroCup and that is almost as far as I'll go. It's mostly because when I consider the remaining 3 spots and face myself with choice of removing clans like l0wfly, Team Mamut, Team CZE, or Lemmings Effect as top contenders for those spots it's really hard to remain objective.
I would however say this will be an interesting season on all levels High-Mid-Low on the TOP TDM level.

My personal directs and qualifiers are:
1. Deliberate murder
2. Unknown
3. sitto
4. aCtion Ligan
5. play>>
6. Lemmings Effect
7. Team CZE
8. Team Mamut

** note that any of these clans could be replaced by planB team for any reason!

As for why, let's say it's mostly based on the skill and activity I've seen from these clans as well as previous encounters with them but taking into consideration their past Cb legacy as well as other results and leagues.
In the end it comes down to current supervisors and co supervisor to set qualifiers and invites and we shall see on Sunday night what is their perspective and what are their picks.