Because there are like 25+ official streams over and, not exaggerating. Multiple languages on both sites (so 2 spanish streams etc).
Casters said yesterday there were 500k total on quarterfinals, which most probably is true because right now there are 300k counting the 2 official english streams (twitch and owned).
edit: 300k+ on 1 stream (didn't see the other english one) out of like 30. Easily surpassed dota and it's still the quarterfinals. Grand finals is next week.
Actually dman just did the biggest advertisement QL ever had, mentioning quake and quakecon on stream (to djwheat, yep).
na i just wondering if this is the general strat u run in lol. first time i ever seen the game for more than 30 seconds. in your #15 u say waiting for teamfight for 40 min, im just wondering if that is common in lol, farming for that long before doing anything
It's the clash of styles, most matches aren't like that, but in general terms farming+objectives works and it is more reliable than team fights, so devs have been trying to encourage fights more but it is still like that. It was worse before, and I don't think it'll ever be as aggressive as dota1.
For that some core aspects should change, for example removing oracles elixir or make it last for lets say 3 minutes (so it's more difficult to kill wards) and making flash only work offensively (like dota, they went through the same years ago). Also gp5 (gold) items are debatable since that's one of the 2 reasons the current meta is used 99.9% of the time: solo mid, solo top, support+adcarry in which the support doesn't farm, jungler (also buys gp5s), and personally I'd nerf global and long rage ults to oblivion.
Some might criticize dota's uber op ults but that made the game more entertaining. In LoL all characters that aren't wildly op feel overnerfed and unusable, especially considering most of them are the very easy to use ones, whereas you can do magic with anything in dota.
yeah i understand u find dota spells ridiculous if thats the biggest aoe in hon >D i only played dota1+2 and hon, have to say hon spells are twice as ridiculous as those in dota
I find them awesome, and I love that tidehunter is viable in dota2. In LoL after all balancing was done there are like at most 5 nukers (enemy dies in an instant), 5 true tanks and 5 ranged real carries (penta kills). That's gay.
Played so much dota1 that I have no interest in dota2 and hon. I don't like sticking to games for 10 years (9 and 11 months is my limit).
There are like 30 LoL streams, all of them are in different languages. That was probably for ONLY the English LoL Standard Quality Stream. There is a Chinese stream, an English HD stream, etc.
Actually, the LoL stream had 300k+ but it's been getting DDoS'd, or a hardware failure and keeps disconnecting forcing the teams to remake their games, bo3 turned into bo7+ or something :P
More likely people were educated by the media in the past to really get dumb. Only able to follow instructions like sheep and this means, quake and doom today would look like this today:
First game in a bo3 quarterfinals, between 2 contenders for the title: Asians roflstomp, as they are the best in the world. About 40mins.
Second game: Euros win with a huge comeback after clutching (grouped up and farming) for like 30 mins (and the asian's carry bought badly, and their support bought gp5 items way too late). 55mins game.
Third game: At about 20mins it was restarted because of a massive disconnection, game (LoL is played online) and stream. Asians were winning though nothing was decided yet.
Fourth (third, decisive) game: 60mins game waiting a team fight for like 40, with the euro team completely dominating the whole time but not engaging because spaniards are pussies. 1 stream with 300k viewers out of 30+ officials (so probably more than 600,000 viewers total to say the least), they finally engage in the enemy base and it's absolutely clear the euro team is going to win the battle and the game ........and the stream goes down in the middle of it.
That destroyed the interwebz so much the LoL site, own3d and twitch went down. 5% of the US bandwidth = ddos anything.
Now the own3d german stream works (esl studio) and they are laughing at the situation.
edit: omfg the 4th game didn't end because LoL is played online and their interwebz collapsed. It was at most 10 seconds to end it, with the euros 100% going to win it, so a remake would be very weird.
$1,000,000 on the line (as most probably one of these 2 is going to win the whole thing), LoL doesn't have an autosave option. If there's a restart most probably the losing team (asians) will win because they are better.
And this is the first match of the day out of 3 (one quarters and two semis). It's getting dark there (concert like event) and this is the last day to end those 3, as next week are the grand finals.
Final edit: OFMG REMAKE, and the moment they announce it the stream goes down again. This is just as bad/good as strenx cooller on t4.
Should have explained before that the asian's strategy is to farm better than the opposite team and then regroup to kill towers, without engaging. It works because they always pick one character with a global ult (or almost) so they can split push, plus at least one other that has very high mobility.
Euros prefer getting to very late game, in which they can win team fights in a more predictable way. For that they pick late game characters, buy lots of gp5 items (that generate gold per second) and clutch.
That clash ends up in matches that never end and without a single team fight. Farming, killing wards, not contested objectives, etc.
So 5th game: Same character picks (in the 2 prior remakes they re-picked). 30 minutes into the game asians have a somewhat slight advantage and euros clutch once again, though they didn't repeat the mistakes they did in prior games so the asians should win. At this point the crowd goes mad every time there's a ward kill (ironically), euros move to kill one more ward (the climax of the game by now).......and the game+stream goes down again.
Again the official re-streams are the only ones up (german esl studio, spanish, etc.) and they can't believe it.
Most probably a 6th game coming up in a bo3 that should have lasted at most 1:30 (2 maps including picks). Stream still down after 35mins.
Now they are going to start picking champs for a 6th game. If it fails once again it'll be played next week at the grand finals (now quarterfinals lol).
Also there have been some weird moments on the prior games, for example knowing the enemy team position without vision. That means players were looking at the main stage screen (yep, it is that badly organized. Just a short peak behind) and heard the crowd/casters (they aren't locked in a la mlg).
edit: stream down once again roflmao, right before picks.
finally, wheat just said the remaining matches will be played this week before the grand finals event. Streamed and all, no idea if they will be online (absurd) or on an event.
Great speech btw. He's improved so much, though he would still be awful as an insight quake commentator (He streamed himself playing recently and he is tier1 material, as I always thought).