Lol, blame it on anything but the ping. My luck, the spawns, the bad rj's by Pavel (check his demo to see what I mean), or anything else. But not the ping. Pavel is highping master :P
I've been beaten by lesser Russians with 100 ping..
80 ping is just a nuissance for most players, not something that makes you lose wins vs tier 3 players (no offense sothis)))
I've reviewed both demos a good number of times now and I'm still amazed by the lucky spawns and major turn of events in the end. I'll plus you, because, you know, it's me. I'm currently still basking in my own foolish joy over the win.
One problem arises though: Now some people expect me to do it again. :[
Anyone who as much as THINKS that he was playing his very best must be on shrooms :P
On the demos you can clearly see the fail rj's and overzealous attacks. I never thought aggressing into his chase would actually give me any leeway but as it turns out, handing out rockets and shotgun shells at mh-to-rl exit would eventually grant me an advantage.
And like I believe someone said: It's not every day you get to shoot a top tier player into the lava.
by the way speaking of pings - did anyone notice how cl_autotimenudge got changed recently(or it wasn't? i barely tested it before)
Atm pinging 50ms it feels like it's timenudge -30 or more. Would actually prefer it over usual timenudge if only autotn didn't feel bit inconsistent. Delay with auto feels like playing with much lower ping! Though it's warping pretty bad, but delay>smoothness.
I noticed this too when playing at 100 ping the other day, autonudge put me to at least -50. It's really noticeable by the yellow in your lagometer at higher pings
yeah, I usually have 45-50ms and autotn had same yellow bars(or even smaller) than tn -20 some time ago. Now they're bigger and delay feels muuuch lower