Yes. If you are talking about certian verdict then that's nothing to be especially happy about. Because that whole clusterfuck could have been avoided and solved years ago. The way everything played out is kinda embarrassing.
Doh. "Serbs in disguise" are idiots who convinced Gotovina he should run. "Serbs in disguise" are idiots in government who threw Gotovina under bus by witholding him opportunity and support to clear his name earlier. And finally, "Serbs in disguise" are other idiots in government who then captured him and extradited him hoping he will serve as sacrifical lamb for their political ambitions.
Gotovina's name and status of war of independence should have been cleared much earlier and those few who actually comited crimes should have been prosecuted by us.
And that's why I don't see today's verdict as any kind of victory. Becuase this today was achieved through luck and despite our best efforts to sabotage ourselves.
I think Austria should once again take posession of its former crown lands. Balkan and Hungary aint fit to be on their own. It was better all around with the Kaiser still in charge.
lol what a poor thread. with things like that you just provoke people and achieve nothing.pitchforking for NO reason. imo disgusting as i thought you have more in your brain than that...
I would take the time to explain it to you what it means but i doubt ur mental capacity would understand it.
no1 is provoking anyone. he's just stating a fact that's been broadcasted by most international media.
if someone feels provoked its their own fault. people post QUAKE IS DEAD and everyone is provoked.
it's not a big deal.
" he's just stating a fact that's been broadcasted by most international media."
nice. cause media is always right.
im outta here. your stupidity is no excuse for this. just the fact that he put no effort in the fucking op makes me sick. go post on reddit pls if you dont want to have a conversation.
i don't want to believe that you are this stupid or mentally impaired.
"media is always right."? they were broadcasting a fact it's not about right or wrong. im sorry that i even have to explain this to you. makes me sad. some day you might actually understand what you're saying and that makes me happy. there is still hope for you.
Q: How were Bosnians created?
A: Bear fucked tree!
A Slovenian and a Bosnian meet up, and the Slovenian tells the first joke. Clearly not phased, the Bosnian replies. Well, do you know how Slovenians were created?
The Slovenian goes "How", to which he gets the reply "A Bosnian fucked your mother"
Anyways, after years of knowing Yugoslavians, both in real life and on ze internet, I have projected this graph, using the 10-graph retard scale (with European Average being somewhere around 42.22%)
Naitonality: Chance that ther person you met will be retarded.
Croatian: 47%
Montenigger: 49.5%
Slovenian: 66.6%
Serbian: 84.4%
Bosnian: 97.5%
I have left out Macedonians and Kosovo due to boredline impossiblity to find enough test subjects, based on the result of lack of literate PCs users proficient in English in the first case (Macedonia), and Kosovo not having a repaired telephone line infrastructure, and all the Kosovans I met in the UK being gypsies :ASDF