Posted by Teen Queen @ 11:34 CST, 18 November 2012 - iMsg
Quake Live players can boast at previous weeks achievements with a whooping 40+ matches going on, several duel cups with prize pools, a total of ~$1500 in cash prizes and some hardware from zowie and lots of team based gametype action. This week won't lag far behind - tune in the streams, sign up for duel cups and play more quake.
Was just editing and figuring out how to post DH info.
Schedule added, it's now clear enough when "big" things happen.
I have no info about 2gd show yet.
I don't think money is the only deciding factor whether an event is important or not; for example. I think EC TDM is pretty huge, a CTF player would strongly disagree.
But I will consider your suggestion and think of something to differ smaller evens (iCTF, open cups) from bigger events (eurocup, lans, big cash prize duels)
TDM won't end anytime soon today so ranking/schedule will probably be updated tomorrow when I wake up.
Added the star guide which loosely represents prize pool and importance (relatively subjective and with lots of exceptions)
About the prizes - should someone be interested in let's say a CA events (I know HoQ hosted some) and there were no prizes, I don't want players to look down on such events. If you're interested in competing and you see an open CA tournament, click on the link for detailed info about prizes, maps, rules etc
The post would look too messy with all that info stuck in it, it should only serve as an overview of current happenings in the scene.
But I'm always looking to improve the post and make it as informative as possible, so if other's request prizes, I'll add them.
This is so great love the effort that is being put in here Anhedonique, it makes a lot of players lives so much easier to find what they are looking for!
Edited by easytarget at 23:39 CST, 19 November 2012
Thank you for making this post! For once there is a week that I actually know what will happend on the QL-scene! I seriously hope that there will be one post like this every week with all important QL games scheduled! Thank you again!
I've been doing this for the past 6 weeks, it's just that some weren't majored or maybe I was to blame because I kept editing them while not being trusted.
Noticed at some point that there was something similar but maybe it opened my eyes now when there was so many games coming up :) Keep on majoring them!
highlight lans (dh and smaller ones) and shows (like gdstudio and anything with a studio)