The thing is I've tried my everything to help him (me and him know know each other), been giving advice about everything, maps, dodging, duel overall etc, tried my all to not judge him or be mean to him back (obviously he's a dickhead to me all the time). He removed me from friendlist once and few months later added me again. Recently he started ignoring me completely, even when I give him insta +100 elo tips. And that's what I got for being nice to him, wonder what I would've got if I wasn't nice all the time :F So believe, he's once retarded piece of scum, a very interesting piece of scum though, never met somebody as screwed up as him and I've met a lot of e-people :l
If anything this game shows how much is jetro learning, cause I've never had this kind of close games with him, and it's mostly to showcase the "bug" of the overtime kill, cause it was at 00:000:04, I bended time to get to the overtime.
And QLRanksTV were streaming it, so the viewers just asked me to upload the demo.
I don't understand all that rage, but I can't really blame him to feel pissed off.
I mean, for me luck=very little chance something happens (at least for me)