I'd say the US is almost the same it has been (CA) since a couple years ago. Lots of the better players have quit and the skill gap has widened considerably though.
It is very rare that i'll get flat out raped or ever come below 2nd (so hard i know) in CA....but when I do dayum. Cannot fk with sizeman or jamalz.
Yeah that would be a catch....maybe if we start start kickstarter project to fund new quake it will be done before doom even :) initial price we demand is 2mill $ in 30days? Let's go? :D
Considering how shitty doom3 was I don't see the community going there. Sure there will be like 3 to 4 tournaments with absurd prize money, but the pro side will die in 1 year, reborn will be released and we can finally say goodbye id software.
well, i guess not everyone has a credit card or is old enough to have one. though i understand there are other payment methods available..depending on where you live.
I'm a standard player and I agree, we got it rough this month. Battleforged is really the only good map. Phrantic is simple but playable, and Asylum can be sort of interesting I guess... but that's it.
Windsong Keep... Really id? And what I've seen so far in FFA isn't very good either.
I keep dueling mainly because I like trying to up my elo on QLRanks, but it's very possible that I'll get bored of it before the end of the month.
Thanks, but what I really meant is that I'm trying to improve my skills. I just use QLRanks to measure my progress. I don't mind losing games, even though my elo will be lower as a result. Yeah, I rage sometimes, just like everyone else. But that usually only happens when I'm having an off day and perform below my expectations.
first people whine that you can only buy premium for a year and that's why they dont buy it, well you can now. Stop whining about map rotation and buy premium if you want to play dm6 and ztn all day.
and the possibility to trade them against crates which can be opened by keys which can be bought in the quakestore which contain crap with a 0.1 chance to get another rare hat!
The map rotation idea is pretty good, but I think they should not do it completely random. They should make thoughtful decisions about which maps to put in the standard rotation.
Every standard player can live with the fact that not all maps will be available to play, but having 0 viable options because of a random rotation is not good.
There will always be people that refuse to pay, and while they do perhaps not contribute to QL, their presence is valuable for the community as a whole.
dont like the monthly map pool? buy 1 month of premium. maybe youll get better luck next month if sweating the 25 euros.
what kind of contribution std. account does to the duel community? fakenicking? cheating? - not to go cooloutac all over this, but whoever is a clean dueller have no reason to play on multiple account therefore they can buy premium. imo none of the competition maps should be free again ever. std duel map pool rotation should always just consist somewhat decent but not so popular maps, like BF, t4, t9 etc...
unfinished thoughts broheim. standard players are needed to have a player base for people who come to check out the game and are possible premium buyers. if you download QL to check it out and nobody is playing...then he will hardly cough up the money to go premium.
Exactly, and what is the taste with the current maplist and activity? You keep assuming everyone is going to buy premium if they like the game. This is simply not the case.
I think in the past games like UT have had such a strong activity thanks to all these people with a warez version of the game. The people that did buy the game got the warez-users as bonus content.
UT'99 didn't get any UT-live, which brought so much new life into Quake, and got IEM tournaments, etc...
Besides that UT'99 remained very active for so many years and it still is. I wouldn't be surprised if UT'99 will be more active than QL in the near future, as UT'99 got some insanely good netcode system now, which makes it possible for Europeans to play vs Americans online without lag problems.
I have hopes for Syncerror to be a reasonable gut driven by rational thought. So once he (or whoever is doing this) reviews the data of the latest changes, they will see this percepted decline in interest/participation if it is there and know it is not an idea to stick with.
I seriously doubt, to the point of I don't think it is possible, that unreasonable decisions are made by gut feeling or something like that. Those decisions are most probably well thought about.
By my subjective perception also, the ways to raise income for QL are indeed getting more drastic. Maybe that's just trying out things (for the general sake of id also), maybe that is something to worry about as an oldschool fan of the game as it could indicate an uncertainity for the game to continue.
So all that are worried and still a big fan of the game should indeed buy a premium account if they haven't, so to strengthen the situation for the game.
It won't bring back those casual players lost in the process of the recent changes, but those couldn't be that many in that limited time. As I just explained if those decisions really hurt that much they will be undone as soon as the data is looked at.
"It won't bring back those casual players lost in the process of the recent changes, but those couldn't be that many in that limited time"
funny thing is ...i run into enough players who come back to see if id games changed back the stupid system of map rotation and voting no longer beeing available to standard players.
so yea..people actaully drop the game for these things
To be honest the price for premium is insanely cheap, as in if I look for random change people so happened to drop on the ground, I could buy a month subscription of QL. Stop being cheap bastards. At least you don't have to pay $15 a month like some other games. Quit your bitching and whining about the price and get a job.
I used to subscribe but after the quakecon carmac stream fiasco, I couldn't stomach to subscribe for another year when its so obvious that they don't care about the game.
I try to play some standard duel but its almost impossible nowadays due to the crap maps
quake3 has been around for 10 years + and you don't even have to pay for it these days. it was and is a good game and in many mods FINISHED..nothing to add...osp..cpma...could have remained and have as they were.
quake live on the other hand is a piece of shit..sorry for the language here..but everybody knows it.
it's for the principle dude...i don't support companies that hunger for cash and not deliver anything close to what they could have, had they only spend little more brain and time into it.
you're well aware i'm not alone with this opinion so choose your words.
Q3 was dead in 2008 or something already, without QL most of us wouldnt even play quake nowadays. We have active leagues and daily cups only cause QL exists.
Q3 is free cause they dont have any costs with it, the QL platform on the other hand costs money every day, ppl working on it (I know, not as much as you would like them to), the servers, the website etc, so its a sure thing that they cant provide it for free.
And QL aint shit at all imo, if you had QL first and now VQ3, you would see everyone loling about a 100 dmg rail and that they cant hit shit etc. The whine would be massive :D
Now stop whining and play the game or get back to Q3 or wherever you want. :s
it is. so much whine. ut2k4 had its last patch/update in 2005 i think and its till played.
ql has 24/7 support and it has it's devs hanging on here. i think its pretty good supported and its been a good game since it came out.
seems like this young man just threw in some random wordsthat might hit the topic.i dont have any problem with the netcode it feels right the very most of the time, ye ye not perfect but which netcode is?. i am fond of the map variety too, would prefere to have the millions of q3 maps though. and im absolutely ok with vq3 but they fucked up pql terribly. but pql doesnt care cause pql is the shit anyway. promode is like sex, even if its bad its still pretty good.
what i would really answer to "why ql is shit"
-absolute disregard of the communitys' needs
-incredibly delayed fixing/publishing of maps (wasnt limbus presented one year before its establishment?)
-fucking with the community, map pool wise (ztn - premium =biggest fuckfest in the history of qake)
-poor support for the the real player.(no LAN permission, no modding, which is basically everything mr. carmack and therefore the real quake stands for.)
but after all ql is still pretty good. it doesnt carry the honorable oldschool ass-kicking spirit of q3 anymore but no game does anymore. the glory days of fps are over. whats left are we the honorable people holding up the heritage
not looking for a fight just throwing in my perspective
I was thinking that most likely you wouldn't often play with high ping. I play quite a bit in Poland at 70+ its not a great experience. With the cpma netcode it was a non issue playing in Poland. In those dark days I mostly played Eastern Europe with no issues.
It's not horrendous I just think it could be so much better.
He doesn't, but I can share my thoughts on the netcode in hopes to get another discussion going about it.
At the moment I get the impression that, given a hypothetical situation of two players of about equal skill (elo) going at each other, the player with the worst/inconsistent upload but normal download will win most infights.
Reason as I imagine it is that he s much harder to follow and also to predict, because he is displayed choppy and warpy to other players. (At one moment he might be displayed as strafing left, at the next he warps to the right and is displayed strafing right, with a transition time of the one state to the other of 0).
At the same time because his download is perfect, he sees everyone else smoothly and so has no problem whatsoever to hit.
Keep in mind the equal skill level. you could always argue the opponent of such a player has to simply outsmart him more, but that would not be about equal skill then if that could be done.
in short, I suspect that the netcode favors bad upload/good download combination almost to a maximum. I think it should never be that way, a bad upload should always have visible negative consequences for the player himself. Also I think this happened by accident by an attempt from the programmers to perfect the situation for a high ping player.
You're using what is the equivalent of a free trial of a game, and upset that you are not given all the options that are provided to those willing to show support for the game we love.
I love how you elitist assholes constantly equate all standard players to Quake hating, jobless dummies with no right to their own opinion. The free portion of QL was not supposed to look like that from the outset - you say it's a trial, i say adding the rotation system was an act of desperation.
Initially i loved the idea, but seeing what maps are being put through the grinder it seems pretty obvious the only purpose of it is to annoy the shit out of standard players in hopes they break and pay up. Not cool.
Also, lol @ people thinking standard players do not matter. Without them, this game would really be dead. The deal should be the product you're selling is marketed in a way that appeals to the customers enough they're interested in paying up after trying it, not brute forcing and guilt tripping them into paying to show support for a game they love.
I personally bought (some even multiple times) and own or owned at one point every id game from Wolf 3d onwards, excluding Rage. I love Doom, i love Quake, hell, i even love id. But i won't be coerced into paying for QL because some uppity asshole with delusions of moral superiority thinks i or any other standard player don't have a job or some shit. Fuck off.
Edited by john "Zerofor" rembo at 08:42 CST, 28 November 2012
these days the mappool is allright for playing 2-3 hours a week. so really no need to whine OR buy the game!
edit: i΄m still laughing at everyone who payed for QL. for example today ql is not loading and i cannot play. if i pay for something..i want it to be mine...and i want to control it..in this case..play whenever i want ..or mod it..and all those things. but hey..suit yourself
Edited by previous_username at 08:30 CST, 26 January 2013