was mostly alteza's fault who didn't cap and was shooting rockets being 100/100 instead ;o and in first case if only he had hit 1 lg cell less i'd have jumped up and ran away
but what posted is real crap fro me, i\m saying hornestly
and quake sake dont post ypur own POV like u only pro, better various POV of many players, find moment not only MR. Love me all, egojerking. I dont like to wathc a movie of some kind of noob, do you ever lift?
this guyz asked me in russian
" say in russian, no neeed to "show the fuck" (untranslatebale) you pig meat consumer (russian named ukraininans 'saloed' - it means ukraininas eat fat pig meat, but it was historical, they just still named us such in negative meaning)
Music is just random sound in clip, if you listen to this crap music that infuelnce on your sexual centers due freq and boom boom sounds, so dont need to force listen this shit in clip plz, no. Absolutely no taste, no idea in movit, just mess of crappy frags with same soundtrack.
May be you got likers but they are kids if you listen such shit and have no taste at all. Go on, tosss more shit, but no need to make a news of it
good music for this kind of movie, amazing frags, tho I prefer tournament frags :)
CFG is ok, but I think you could play a bit more with settings for it
it's still personal taste though, thought it makes no sense to have epic effects for author name but no editing in other parts. feel like the author name means much more than actual contents.