Video trick how easy to reach quad from lower RL on terminatria map by Nined.
29532 Hits
i was banned again without any reason
but spamming esr, talking in stream chat like a div1 player, and pretending to have 80% rail aren't exactly the best ways to rally supportSome div1 players got offended? rotfl
several ragequits , 220 matches - 5 quits
flaming, trolling and being a general nuisancecould you please define your understanding of every of this concepts?
About the attitude: the problem is not that you're a noob and deal 3k dmg, the real problem is that the 3k dmg is somewhat the result of not the lack of your aim, but what you call that "shamanic tdm", which to sum it up basically about avoiding fight at all cost, causing your team most of the time indeed playing a 3v4 game
Why should 1 guy decide for 1000? Ok, so rename u tdmpickup to wisions tdmpickup, where ppl scared to write gg if they not belovd by wisions and marked by him as 'normal guy' - from wisions mind FOV