Some of the topics we discussed
- His famous history with

- The frustrations of facing


- What separates him from the other aimers (

- The best series of his career.
- How he'd like to be remembered by Quake fans.
Edited by xou at 04:42 CST, 9 December 2012 - 35237 Hits
00:05 Intro
00:15 When did he first become good/famous in Quake?
01:47 The "schooled by Cooller" interview
02:34 Quake Live as a more defensive game than Quake III in terms of style, adapting to it.
03:43 Rivalry/history with Cooller
04:54 What allowed Cooller to beat Strenx in the early days.
05:42 What was different about Cooller's dodging from other players?
06:25 Frustrations with facing rapha.
07:46 Comparing rapha's approach to Cooller's.
09:02 Was it easier to play av3k than Cooller and rapha?
10:17 Cypher's style.
11:48 How good Cypher's aim could be.
12:29 The aimers: Strenx, Spart1e and k1llsen.
14:53 How important was positioning in QL?
16:36 QuakeCon 2011
17:55 The best series of his career.
19:04 Strenx's persona and trash-talking.
20:06 How he would like to be remembered.
20:53 Final words/outro.