Easy 10 from me. I mean there are no in-game sounds, the quality is crappy, the cfg is bad, no sync what so ever, but at least the title of the song was fitting and described Shamanic TDM pretty much.
This is what a Quake movie should be like, I don't care about fancy air rockets or breathtaking flickrails, hell I don't even care about smart duel play, great flagrun or even impressive jumps, what I really want to see is someone dropping a railgun for his teammate or babysitting a powerup for his more stacked teammate.
Such eloquence demonstrating the breadth and subtlety of the shamanic powers! It is a magical hors-d'oeuvre of all FPS related cinematography, and should be included in all elementary class manuals, all over the planet!
1. wasn't insulting anyone
2. ppl insulted me after my 'poor play' in many ways even tkilling on purpose, sabotaging Nined's map vote, writing shit in irc, comments etc - it is real trolling
I rly dont understand the REAL reason why am i banned, it's kinda 'trolling' but trolling is when a person do intentionally harm things, my 'trolling' was like talking shamanic stuff as an defense against Nineds haters and for making chat more fun and not boring before waiting for pickup gathering.
3. I'm playing QL for 1 year public + 1 month on tdmpickups and ppl start attacking me for low skill and stuff, asking admins to ban Nined - is it a great preasure for newbie. Is tdmpickups friendly enviroment for newbies? Dont thinks so.
4. One time i missed a macth due /ingored Nined's hater who post a link on server. So is it my problem that server links not dublicated by BOT? Every user have possibility to ignore other users in chat. So 1st ban was 'fair'
5. 3-5 times Wision just kicked me 'for talks' - HE decides thats my talks is not good for healthy pickup env. Breaking rules - no. ban - yes.
6. And the epic ban 24h was when i was waiting second red before 1st powerups and Morptheus or other guy tkilled me on purpose and we lost all chances by loosing like 15-2 and start damaging me more, raging about my own decition to wait for red. So he decide Nined shoulnot wait for red.
I cannot play after this case with such teammates and decided to ragequit and reported the sitaution to chat. Ban 24h. Nined is ragequiter and troll. Nice
7. So the permaban was after night of play for talking much in IRC on quake related topics. Not insulting anyone.
I dont rly understand even now the real reasons, ofc may be Wision do not want "such" Nineds in his kindom, so it's ok. Or may be other players 'forced' him to ban Nined, cause he ruins his ELO's and stat stuff, dunno.
So now the official reason is - TROLLING, thats funny :-) every person can be judged/guilty with 'trolling' reason. Trolling, something bad, something you can label other person if u dont share his ideas or approach.
This guy dont interact as we expected - he is troll
This guy talks to much and acts not as we expected - troll
No votes, noone use ignore command for 'trolls', but asking for ban everytime for shamanic play with low damage, that is bizarre, rly.
So they labeled me TROLL (official) and permaban. Fair. OFC if u on wisions tdm.
So Nined is like a chater with permaban now, ok, so Nined u ok to play on russian pickup with 80 ping (it is more friendly and ban resistant env, btw). BTW russians use teamspeak and its more usefull and make game more fun and competetive. No one ever use teamspeak on wisionpickups. Reason? I speced some wisions pickup matches and found out that players tent more play they own SINGLE game, not dropping rail, not even knowing timings, and the situation on map. They mostly use skill and damage and it become more FFA TDM rather normal tdm
We dont talk on teamspeak abouh life stuff, i dont even know who is who IRC, but we use voice comm for tdm and its ok, and helps a LOT to play REAL TDM, and doesn not hurt brains and ppl not shy about talking/voice etc.
BTW, regarding voice comm. How it is on wisions pickup without voice comm, just simple examples:
1. Weak enemy quad - who cares, who even know he is weak. Quad always has time to eat hp and armour
2. Where is enemy QUAD - who cares, its FFA TDM, damage MORE
3. Watch you back/mega/RA soon/ all enemy stronk on RA - who cares about teammates. More damage
4. Coordination...
regarding wision's pickups
untill people refuse to use voice comm, more not healthy enviroment will be grown, why? cause when u hear a player u become more friendly to your teammates and less trolling each other in many ways.
Otherwise player become more and more ZADROTI EBANIE with faps on ELO, stats and 10k damage and 5 impressives, alone. Thats not fun play, its rly more FFA TDM.
And ofc you can blame everytime someone for loosing in irc, everyday, it is not trolling, its normal pickup activity :-) Who cares about 1hp-ezy-kill-enemy-quad, we need more damage.