In the United States, we have a legal system of due process which is otherwise called 'innocent until proven guilty'. If someone accuses you of committing a crime, and they do not go through the legal process, it is considered 'guilty until proven innocent'. On those occasions, you can sue them for slander.
My idea, is to sue every politician (and any other douchebag), who accuses the entertainment-media complex (such as movies, gangster rap/music, and video-games), of committing murder, mass-murder, or any other school-shooting/gun-violence related crime. Those politicians (and other douchebags), are committing the crime of slander. They are treating us as guilty until proven innocent, and, of course, distracting everyone from the real cause of such violence - politicians themselves.
Yes, it's a strange thing that politicians are the most criminal people in all of history: Hitler - politician. Pol Pot - politician. Stalin - politician. But you don't often see politicians imprisoned for neglect, aiding and abetting, war-crimes (Hello, George W. Bush), or the general laws that they either create or fail to create which are obviously responsible for the gun-violence in question. Bad laws and bad politics - these are the real reasons why the United States has the gun-violence epidemic it does. That fact is easily proven by studying the relative laws and cultures around the world: every one on Earth has virtually the same entertainment-media, but not the same gun-violence.
We, in the entertainment-media complex, have an enormous amount of money. Where there is money, there are lawyers. I propose that we get some lawyers, and sue every damned cocksucker who slanders us... especially politicians whose laws are the real culprit. You politician motherfuckers can try to frame entertainment-media for your crimes, but it will not stick, and as a reminder - your horrible attempts are one of the primary reasons we have the 1st-amendment.
In Iraq, during a decade of war, only about 4,000 Americans died. In the United States, during the exact same time-frame, over 100,000 Americans died from guns alone. Which is the real warzone, and who is responsible for inflicting a civil war upon the United States? It sure as shit isn't the entertainment-media complex.
In conclusion, lawyers... how much money can we get out of suing people/politicians for slander?
My idea, is to sue every politician (and any other douchebag), who accuses the entertainment-media complex (such as movies, gangster rap/music, and video-games), of committing murder, mass-murder, or any other school-shooting/gun-violence related crime. Those politicians (and other douchebags), are committing the crime of slander. They are treating us as guilty until proven innocent, and, of course, distracting everyone from the real cause of such violence - politicians themselves.
Yes, it's a strange thing that politicians are the most criminal people in all of history: Hitler - politician. Pol Pot - politician. Stalin - politician. But you don't often see politicians imprisoned for neglect, aiding and abetting, war-crimes (Hello, George W. Bush), or the general laws that they either create or fail to create which are obviously responsible for the gun-violence in question. Bad laws and bad politics - these are the real reasons why the United States has the gun-violence epidemic it does. That fact is easily proven by studying the relative laws and cultures around the world: every one on Earth has virtually the same entertainment-media, but not the same gun-violence.
We, in the entertainment-media complex, have an enormous amount of money. Where there is money, there are lawyers. I propose that we get some lawyers, and sue every damned cocksucker who slanders us... especially politicians whose laws are the real culprit. You politician motherfuckers can try to frame entertainment-media for your crimes, but it will not stick, and as a reminder - your horrible attempts are one of the primary reasons we have the 1st-amendment.
In Iraq, during a decade of war, only about 4,000 Americans died. In the United States, during the exact same time-frame, over 100,000 Americans died from guns alone. Which is the real warzone, and who is responsible for inflicting a civil war upon the United States? It sure as shit isn't the entertainment-media complex.
In conclusion, lawyers... how much money can we get out of suing people/politicians for slander?
4523 Hits
It's also worth noting that the best player right now would be someone who is aim heavy and +back prone
See evil or rapha? They're both best aimers and tend to +back a lot so there you have it