The deadline for registering teams for Blackout CPM TDM is 23:00 CST, 24 January 2013. Registration remains open for teams who would like to participate and they can be here register at the tournament website. For teams who are signed up, captains are asked to ensure that they have at least four (4) players registered and that they further inquire about substitute players, who can act as coaches if not playing. There is a list of clanless players, who would like to participate in some manner, below.

One last thing, registered teams should have at least one player, ideally their captain, in mIRC #blackout at all times. GL HF!

Please do not forget to read the rules.

Get Promode!

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Links: Tourney Page, Original News Post, First Update // mIRC #blackout (QuakeNet), mIRC #blackout (GameSurge), mIRC #promode