Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
Maybe QL should devise a system to ban people for slander? In normal society, if you go around accusing people of crimes, and attempting to burn them at the stake, you would typically have to prove your claims in a court of law. If you are unable to do so, you are eligible for a slander suit. Why then, in QL, can nutjob after nutjob slander you, and you can't do anything about it? The system should not favor the mentally deranged, or a bunch of spoiled rotten brats (which is actually a different problem, but likewise prevalent). If it does favor those types, it will attract them and turn away everyone else.
When I was able to play Quake before (12 years ago), people would frequently accuse me of cheating. It didn't bother me, and I would always take it as a compliment. But today, i'm more conscious of the company I keep. I have to question whether I want to be associated with a bunch of complete idiots and wackjobs. I know i'm not cheating, and therefore, I know that those people are thoroughly insane. Delusion is not the hallmark of mental health. It is a mental disorder, and either QL is making people delusional, or it is attracting delusional people. Either way, I have no interest in being part of a diseased culture.
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