Hello world,

Just small notes of some ideas came from deep shamanic jungle.
May extand standart QL tdm mod with more shamanic fun. Just spraying some features into your heads, kids.

I'll add new features into this dream sheet each time they appear from mystic jungle fog.
1. The very 1st quad/bs appears on the map instantly after match starting at random (accessible) spot fully INVISIBLE, so every player can STEP onto invisible shamanic quad. Very random and exciting action, 8 players try to find quad shooting each other and gain control/frags on the map. Invisible quad is lostable (ffa style) and still invisible - can be taken many time untill it will expire.

Rest of quads appear on the standart map designed spots visible and not lostable. If 1st quad was not found untill 3, 5 ,7 ... minutes standart quad would not appear. It's possible to own 2 quads at the same time.

Exciting action, shamanic dance before 1st invisible quad/bs.

2. Shamanic detpack - dropable, no need ammo, kamikadze weapon that appear every time before powerups (minute of power time) with random 5-15 seconds before quad/bs delay. Randomly appear near standart player spawns. Detpack carrier indicated by icon to his teammates only.

How it works? Detpack is large slash damage bomb with big damage power = tripple power with quad. Player with detpack can only use detpack by blowing up himself in some tactical situations or shamanic self sacrifice. For example 10 hp player took a quad surrounded by bunch of enemies, pull a ring and 4 enemy players are done. Kill enemy BS? No problem, just come closer and blow youself and bs into space. Surrounded or disguised by enemy shafter at shamanic spot waiting for mega with low hp? No any chance to survive? Pull detpack trigger. Shamanic enought?

There is variations, you can be detpack and powerup carrier at the same time after his death automaticly blows detpack. Oh oh enemy dont try to kill quad close range - its dangerous :-)

3. It was such a silly thing for me when i got a knowledge that every type or armour: green, yllow, red - it fact are the same type of armour diff only of its amount. Why not make 3 types of armour with 3 different resitance against certain weapons:

--red armour absorbs (resist to) +5-20% more explosive damage - RL, GL
--yellow armour absorbs (resist to) 5-20% of shaft, plasma, lava damage
--green or shards are more effective against SG, MG, CG, Fist, Impacts

So each type of armour has its own effetiency against different types of weapons.

For ex. 100 red vs enemy shaft damage is weaker then 100 yellow vs enemy shaft and vise versa. Armour managment and a bit more tactical :-)

If player got 50 red, 25 yellow and 8 green armour they DO NOT add as the same armour BUT absorb damage properly according to absorb/resistance formula - from weapon type of enemy shooting at you. You got both armour indicators - general and detailed.

4. Shamanic smoke grenades is a weapon with constant spawn time (each 2-3 minutes) and location - single clip. Smoke grenade makes large smoke semi-transapernt cloud for certain time (5-10 sec) and a player who stand IN or BEHIND this cloud is invulnerable against enemy RAILS, semi-visibility does not matter, rails just unable to damage a player standing in this cloud. Other weapons DO damage.

Gonna Take quad on Purgatory? railable? see enemy railer from balcony, no worries one of your shamanic team mates already primed smoke grenade in quad spot - more safe quad pickup.

5. Some of the map structures are destroyable after very very amount of damage, so at the end of the game will be some ruins:-) But it should not affect much on game play and map design, you cannot do shamanic hole/hide in the wall.

to be continue
stay shamanic :-)