The backstory is that the Vice President of the United States did some task force thing to deal with the problem of gun-violence. I saw a long-list of 'invited' parties, but were any of them scientists? If you were to look at the scientific reasons (you know, the actual, real reasons), why gun-violence is so rampant in the United States, you would find that humans are beasts. Like all creatures, humans have something called 'fear'. When said anxiety mechanism is activated, it initiates a process called 'fight or flight'. When guns are easily accessible, the fearful individual will be significantly more likely to choose fight. When the guns are lethal, that means people will die.
Realistically speaking, if you could eliminate fear, you could eliminate gun-violence without eliminating guns.
In examining mass-shootings, you see how each perpetrator was fueled by fear: VA Tech shooter had something called SM (selective mutism), which is an acute anxiety disorder. The Norway shooter was terrified of Muslims or 'multiculturalism' taking over his country. The Newtown shooter, apparently, was afraid of his mother shipping him off to live on his own.
It's a basic biological reality, that fear is the fuel for fighting... and therefore, killing. So, maybe you politician types should work on that problem?
Realistically speaking, if you could eliminate fear, you could eliminate gun-violence without eliminating guns.
In examining mass-shootings, you see how each perpetrator was fueled by fear: VA Tech shooter had something called SM (selective mutism), which is an acute anxiety disorder. The Norway shooter was terrified of Muslims or 'multiculturalism' taking over his country. The Newtown shooter, apparently, was afraid of his mother shipping him off to live on his own.
It's a basic biological reality, that fear is the fuel for fighting... and therefore, killing. So, maybe you politician types should work on that problem?
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