Hard to attack on. Its being played all mid until quad right now.
Whenever u passed mid and is in enemy base 2-3 players just spawns right on the Flag.
- To Do: Change spawns!
Mid Size:
The mid is too small imo. And its because the 2 spawns at the bridge in the middle, they just get spawn raped by LG from the deffender. These spawners cant do anything.
-To Do:I like to see abit larger mid so LG wont reach those spawns that easy. Should be a risk for the deffender to moveout mid and aim for those.
For a deffender i think the map is really bad.
And thats because of the items and weapons. Everything is so far away.
YA Right side. Mega Low. LG High. Rail Left. (Rail can be dropped by RA player though). Still, have to circle so much just to get ammo.
I like maps more like c7 or cp9. The items placing is simple. U time them and go back for them.
What im saying is it takes so much time to circle around.
-To Do: Put Rail ammo in base or close to shotgun right side.
Not sure what else.
Other suggestion that could work:
-I would like to tryout to put Rail in mid Bridge.(2 rails on the map) Works on cp9 :) This way both deff and RA player will be railed whenever they reach mid. Will be very mid heavy but u will still be able to cross mid cause the deff and RA player gets weak rail after rail and they have to back. (What it is now the deffender dont take damage because of rail is hard to get and enemy only have MG/LG on mid)
This option is not always good. So dont really know what to do :|
It could be tested ofcourse but if it will work or not im not sure.
We should focus on comments like these and from players like these ^^
If you play def+homeRA , attacking becomes next to impossible and can only be done by quad (not regen)
The base is particularly big, especially for the mid size..i mean right now i feel its easier to cross mid and attack on siberia..
Spawns could fix that yes..maybe spread them around (like 1base, one RA, one SG, one mid etc.)
Def has it easy..i dont understand your point...you have more stack then on c7 as def and weapons are closer/easier to get. (maybe move lg spawn to RA and RAIL to mid bridge)
ammo is a different story ye..
yes..i agree mid rail could be interesting and makes for a less defensive play probably , since RA player and def needs a rail and will push out, making the base vulnerable (if someone is hiding at sg for example)
im not a map maker and its difficult for me to say what makes a good map..for example if ID released p1 today. and we never seen it before, i think it would be ridiculed at first to say the least.
to support your point about easy defence. I saw a ok player defending and not dying for 15 minutes keeping full stack vs good players. Base seemed too stacked and secure.
I only played it once on mid, nobody else would ever play that map again because of it. i was getting like 62-65 kills on mid and it's probably the easiest to control mid on
weapon layout is terrible, mid needs some good weapon spawn(lg/rg) so you're able to attack from there. I'd put rail @ base, shotgun @ RA, LG @ 'medkit' and put one more rail on mid.
RA is too often and therefore hard to attack. i'd love to see a 1 min RA and one more way to attack from it(stairs are countered too easy so when you take enemy RA it's stack advantage is instantly lost on those stairs)
ok, before i start, can someone explain me why in this day and age, with graphic card that is MORE that good for other maps (i have steady 125fps on every map from standard pickup map pool) there are FPS problems on cold cathode (not that bad, fps fluctuates a bit, and on fluorescent i have massive fps drop, to the point where i can't strafe or hit rail....
Why is this happening? How old QL maps don't have this problem?
Visually i love the maps, and i agree with ph0en|x about spawns in the base (try playing ictf with those spawns :( ) but first, can we have stable fps on new maps? please?
It's a better map than Fluorescent, and it's much like Ruiner from Q4. I would say make a way into getting that medkit like finding a secret door or secret button that would be hiding on the top. People would be bitching/trolling about it since the map came out from what i remember.