Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: both
How to play back QL demos
Game of the year, imho!
Game to decide the first place in 125FPS March 2nd Groupstage Group C between Cypher and K1llsen.
Edit: Updated with k1llsen's POV.
k1llsen's demopack: download
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: both
How to play back QL demos
>> 93378-cypher125.rar <<
(4889KB, 461 DLs)
(4889KB, 461 DLs)
>> 93387-125fps_k1llsen_group_c.rar <<
(4967KB, 252 DLs)
(4967KB, 252 DLs)
Game of the year, imho!
Game to decide the first place in 125FPS March 2nd Groupstage Group C between Cypher and K1llsen.
Edit: Updated with k1llsen's POV.
k1llsen's demopack: download
Edited by ins at 05:17 CDT, 21 March 2013 - 14688 Hits