Or a better description would be, A QuakeLive Questionaire. Just a few shitty questions, most of which have already been discussed to death, with a slight bias towards the duel gametype. If you get a 503 Service Unavailable error, try again later. Enjoy!
- Which is your current QL subscription? - (View Results)
- Which game-type do you play the most? - (View Results)
- How much do you play QL? - (View Results)
- What ping do you usually play on? - (View Results)
- What is your current ELO on QLRanks.com? - (View Results)
- Which map would you remove from map-pools forever? - (View Results)
- Duel time limit? - (View Results)
- Duel spawn system? - (View Results)
- How much damage should the railgun do? - (View Results)
- How much damage should the LG do? - (View Results)
- How much should ammo be increased on subsequent weapon pickups? - (View Results)
- Which is the highest stream quality you can use when watching the FACEIT Sunday Cup? - (View Results) - *new*
- Do you see in-game ads? - (View Results) - *new*
- Do you see pre-game ads? - (View Results) - *new*
- Which do you think are the main reason(s) for QL's unpopularity? - (View Results) - *new*
- Do you think QL could still be popular and profitable for id software? - (View Results) - *new*
- What do you think are the most important things for QL to grow? - (View Results) - *new*
- Did you enjoy this questionaire? - (View Results)
- Bonus question! - (View Results)
Feel free to create your own QL-related polls @ http://strawpoll.me/, and I might consider adding them to the questionaire.
- Which is your current QL subscription? - (View Results)
- Which game-type do you play the most? - (View Results)
- How much do you play QL? - (View Results)
- What ping do you usually play on? - (View Results)
- What is your current ELO on QLRanks.com? - (View Results)
- Which map would you remove from map-pools forever? - (View Results)
- Duel time limit? - (View Results)
- Duel spawn system? - (View Results)
- How much damage should the railgun do? - (View Results)
- How much damage should the LG do? - (View Results)
- How much should ammo be increased on subsequent weapon pickups? - (View Results)
- Which is the highest stream quality you can use when watching the FACEIT Sunday Cup? - (View Results) - *new*
- Do you see in-game ads? - (View Results) - *new*
- Do you see pre-game ads? - (View Results) - *new*
- Which do you think are the main reason(s) for QL's unpopularity? - (View Results) - *new*
- Do you think QL could still be popular and profitable for id software? - (View Results) - *new*
- What do you think are the most important things for QL to grow? - (View Results) - *new*
- Did you enjoy this questionaire? - (View Results)
- Bonus question! - (View Results)
Feel free to create your own QL-related polls @ http://strawpoll.me/, and I might consider adding them to the questionaire.
Edited by quake is potat at 08:58 CDT, 25 March 2013 - 11436 Hits