100k watching cod was impressive, whats more impressive is the amount of promotion it got:
-twitter was crazy, xboxcod was trending world wide.
-a lot of tweeters with 500k+ followers retweeted the stream. i had a paid twitter tweet from @xbox on my feed.
-famous youtubers were tweeting the stream (they got paid by microsoft to do it).
-there was a stream link on the actual black ops 2 game (xbox).
-the tournament was embedded and promoted on various gaming sites like gamespot
-and the finals were right in the middle (the biggest page ad) on the xbox live dashboard (42 million users daily see the ads on the dashboard).
honestly i was expecting a lot more than 100k since this type of marketing reached atleast 30 million people throughout the weekend. but i'm not taking anything away from cod. it is king of fps esports right now. no other fps game is gonna break 100k.
BUT if a game like even Quake Live had this much promotion and $1 million dollar prize pool, i'm sure it could get just as many viewers.
I feel like ubisoft/nadeo are not marketing shootmania well. they thought paying girls that played video games would bring in the viewers and hype. but it didn't. the only good promotion shootmania had was it being on the front page of twitch
I hadn't heard anything about the cod tournament. I just went on twitch and noticed it had 100k viewers which is very unusual for a non lol or sc2 tournament.
One thing Microsoft has always been good at is promotion. I can't think of any cod tournament having that many viewers ever so I would consider it a success.
It's a shame that id never promoted their own game or tournaments for it for the longest time. Treating qcon tournaments as secondary to whatever alpha iteration of rage they had available.
Regarding Shootmania, their marketing must be really bad because none of my friends have even heard about it (unless I told them) and truthfully I probably wouldn't have if I didn't go to esr.