Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
I still don't understand why QL requires people to only have one alias. If not for the purpose of greater profit/playerbase, why restrict the freedom of players, especially if those players are also paying customers? This is the internet. Anonymity is one of the things people enjoy the most. In this case, as has been the case in every Quake, there is absolutely no reason to force a singular alias on every player. If it's merely a matter of statistics, it is simple to bind statistics to an account, without binding them to an alias.
When it comes to private vs. public statistics, the entire issue is off. There is zero purpose to having any public server statistics, as public servers are merely places for people to fuck around. Statistics are exceptionally valuable when it comes to matches. Anything that isn't an official match, will inevitably ruin either the statistic system or the practice/pub/whatever game. Adding an option to keep your stats private will, at least, deter some of the game-ruining aspects of the statistic system. Preferably, you would entirely eliminate statistics for pub games, but, such a thing would require more coding, and therefore, be more expensive.
It is possible that QL will never achieve a large playerbase. At the very least, only a fool would design a game for a potential reality, rather than a certain reality. As reality changes, so can the game. For that reason, there is no purpose to forcing a single name on every player, or requiring that public server statistics are kept. Is it really so much to ask that I, a paying customer, can change my alias 50 times a day?
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