Schedule: Passed
Day #2 Update: We will be running duel for the rest of the day. More information about the matches on 4sg. Stream is currently up here
The second edition to Australia's premier LAN event for Quake Live is dawning upon us. On the 27th and 28th of April you will see over 50 players (and rising) from all over Australia, New Zealand and even Singapore play to prove their moments of glory in a LAN environment. With game modes like Duel, TDM, CTF, FFA and iCTF who will take home the victory?
If you want to see this awesome Australian action live you can on tune in 4sgtv@Twitch.tv. If you would like to show your support you can donate with the provided donation box below. All donations will go towards the prize pool. This event is directly sponsored by itsdirect.com.au.
Stream: 4SGTV
Official Links: 4seasonsgaming,

Edited by roychez at 05:48 CDT, 29 April 2013 - 39373 Hits