Hi all!

To have an idea of a brand new game that you think if it would be created should be a great success, isn´t easy, I can tell you that.

This idea is a result of many impressions fused into one thought, and I can´t let it go. There is one problem though, I have no idea how to make it come true. I´ve contacted Machinegames och Dice. And to contact game developers is like spend the time looking at the wall being older...
I had an answer from Machinegames and the answer was short and to what I believe a very honest one as well. "Get some talent pals and create it by your self"

I guess that´s how it works in this business, and I believe its all about money. Why should they listening to a guy "outside" their own community and take all the credits and.....not all of course but some of their, money, I would probably think the same...

Then the other crazy thought came up in my "so called brain", why not? But how? ...is it even possible? I mean...how are they doing it, Battlefield, Crysis, COD? If you look at the credits of these games, its a very BIG industry, and my thought of this game would require at least this size of crew as well I can tell you that.

So maybe I should get therapy to get rid of this crazy huge thougt...;)

Maybe I´ll tell you my idea to this community some day, maybe not, maybe it will become just a dream, maybe it will be released some day who knows...I spoiled my self to Dice and told them my story, I know, I f*cked up and send them my story....but not the punchline ;)

Thanx for your time for reading this

"Dream on"....I know I will

Read also: theastronauts if you have crazy ideas like me....