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I've seen videos with perfect smooth without wolfcam`s blurring, which are recorded at 125fps,then what is the other trick that is in wolfcam cfg. Rotate frame rate in recording or sync, i am trying to solve the mystery but so far without success. I'll go crazy :((((((((
I solved the problem. Cfg and not affect the smoothness of vegas. Ping affects the smoothness in which where recorded demo. The worse ping - less useful for fps capture. I recorded a demo at 1 ping at 200fps blur 0, and here's the result. A previous bad video - demo of 70 ping, so it was not possible to make smooth video. It makes sense to make the table depending on the desired fps ping.
the raw avi was captured at 300 fps, put into editing software, and rendered at 60 and 30 fps into mp4 codec. if you download the video file from the links provided when the video came out, or if you have the movie file on your pc, you can check the bit rate by looking at its properties. unless you're almost 100% moviemaking retarded, it should not be hard to copy the settings.